Chapter 16: Inspiration maybe?

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(A/N: The pants thing in this chapter actually happened. I was soooo embarrassed)

“You are my princess. In the short time we’ve been together, I feel as if we have grown up together. I just want to get to know you better.” He rested his head on top of yours as you two watched the water flow. The next hour you two spent telling each other about yourselves and laughing at stories and jokes you’ve heard.

“Wait so your pants fell down during lunch in the seventh grade?” Niall gasped for air as he laughed. His cheeks were red and he was wiping tears away from laughing so hard.

“Yah, right in the middle of the cafeteria. I was mortified and sat in a corner for a month.” You laughed, still a little embarrassed about it.

“Wow, I would have ate in the bathroom the rest of the year.” Niall started to calm down but then started laughing again as he envisioned the episode happening to you again.

“Stop, it wasn’t that funny. I was teased for weeks.” You said playfully slapping his arm.

He gave you a knowing look and started to laugh again only in a light way this time.

“It’s not like you haven’t been embarrassed like that before.” You said scooting away from him on the bench you two found a while ago.

“Well yah, but I’m not telling you those. They are still too fresh.” He gave a fake pained look and smiled at you.

“You peed your pants when you were in the eighth grade didn’t you?”

“How did you know?!” Niall gasped.

“It was either you peed your pants or puked on your crush.” You said smugly.

“Actually I did both.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. You laughed at that. Niall blushed and looked up at the moon. “I wonder what time it is.” He pulled out his phone and looked at it.

You saw that it read midnight. Niall looked up and a strange look played on his face.

“I have to make a call. I’ll be right back.” Niall got up, dialing a number. You waited, looking up at the moon. You could hear bits and pieces of the conversation and tried to hear more (you snoop lol).

“No, I have an idea for the title of the song. And the chorus. What about midnight memories. It works with the other lyrics and I have a tune that will work with it too. Yah, we can work on it tomorrow. Awesome hey I have to go. Yes. No I will not do that. I’m not you Harry.” Niall hung up and smiled at you.

“Business call?” You asked.

“Yah, it’s for the next album. We have been having some trouble writing a song, but I think we have it now.” Niall took your hand in his and you cuddled up next to him.

“It’s just you and I.” You smiled as you said it. Niall sat up straighter. “You ok?” You asked, looking up at him.

“Yah, you just gave me an idea for a song. We need one more after the one we are working on. Princess you are an album saver.” He laughed kissing your head.

“All this in one night!” You smiled.

“And all because of you.” Niall smiled again and kissed you on the lips this time.

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