Chapter 9: Good ending to a good day

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(A/N: Hopefully you guys are staying interested. If you want to give feedback just leave a comment :D)

You and Niall danced a few more songs before you stopped and rested. You two talked and laughed about stories from the tour bus to the chemistry experiment gone wrong.

“You really put the wrong chemicals together and gassed the whole school?” Niall asked in between laughing fits.

“Yah,” you laughed “they had to air it out for a week. It was the worse smell in the world.”

“Hey guys, I’m going to take Kelssey home. See you tomorrow.” Liam took Kelssey’s hand and walked down the stairs to the alley way.

Harry and Savannah came down to talk with you and Niall. Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson came on the ipod and you started humming to it. Niall looked over at you and smiled.

“Can you sing?” He asked.

“NO! I sound horrible!” You said quickly.

“Lies! You are a great singer. She really is. She was in choir for so many years.” Savannah blabbed.

“Savannah, I was not that great. I was in a choir. There were a lot of people singing too.” You say.

“Still even one person can screw up fifty.” Niall said.

“Sing something for us.” Harry said.

You sighed and started to sing the rest of Breakaway. When you finished, Niall and Harry just starred at you.

“You are full of bull crap if you think you suck.” Niall said after pulling himself out of his stupor. You blushed and looked down. You wanted to change the subject but you couldn’t think of anything so you finally just asked:

“What time is it?”

Niall laughed and looked at his watch. “Four after midnight.”

“Oh wow. It still feels like 6 7 o’clock.” Savannah said.

“That’s because back home it is 6 7 o’clock.” You laughed. Niall went up to the lattice and unplugged the lights and blew out the candles. Harry blew out the other candles and grabbed the ipod.

Once back at the hotel Harry took Savannah up to our room while you two walked on the public porch that was at the back of the hotel.

“Tonight has been really fun, Niall. Thank you for the good time.” You leaned against the railing as Niall stood next to you.

“You’re welcome. I haven’t had this much fun on a date in a long time.”

“Yah, my last date was to the guy’s house for a tv dinner and video games. We never had a second date. He was a great guy but didn’t know how to date.” You smiled at the memory of the guy letting you win at one of his favorite games.

“Now, I know how much fun video games are but on a date you want to impress the girl first. Then in about the fourth month of dating you introduce video game dates.” Niall laughed.

You smiled. What Niall didn’t know was that the guy was on a very tight budget and couldn’t really afford to take you anywhere nice. You knew Niall wasn’t being mean so you just smiled and took his hand in yours.

“I’m glad I took this trip. If I hadn’t we would have never met.” You said as you snuggled into Niall.

“Oh I think we would have met. The people in our lives are supposed to be in our lives. There’s a reason for them to be here. So there’s a reason for you to be here with me and the same for me to be here for you.”

You smiled and looked at the street lights. “I’m glad you’re in my life.” You finally say. Niall looked down at you and leaned in again. Hopefully this time your lips would touch. And they did. It was sweet and soft. He didn’t rush it and when he pulled away, a smile creeped across his face.

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