Chapter 27: Haters Gunna Hate

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You went into the living room where everyone was passed out still.  You walked over to Louis and Eleanor and shook them awake. Eleanor woke up but Louis stayed asleep. You moved on to Liam and Kelssey, followed by Zayn, Perrie, Harry Alora, and Savannah. Eleanor was still trying to wake Louis.

You lead the rest to the kitchen where the food was. Savannah gaped at the site of all the food. You had never cooked for anyone except your family and yourself. Everyone sat down and started to eat. Louis walked in with Eleanor close behind him. She was holding your cell phone.

“Hey Y/N, your phone buzzed.” She brought you your phone and you opened it excitedly, hoping it was Niall. It wasn’t him; it was a notification for your twitter. You had over a million followers now. Your eyes widened as you nommed on a piece of toast. You had notifications of people tweeting you.

Tears started to run down your cheeks as you read them. It was hate after hate. Girls and some guys were saying that you wouldn’t be a good girlfriend to Niall or that you don’t deserve him. There were the occasional tweets saying not to listen to the others.

“What’s wrong?” Savannah had been starring at you.

“Haters.” Liam said looking at you.

You nodded and got up. You ran to your bedroom and opened your laptop. You logged into Facebook and saw over ten thousand friend requests. You saw messages from a lot of people saying the same things from twitter. You closed your laptop and pulled your legs up to your chest, burying your face into your arms.

There was a knock on your door and then you heard Liam ask if you were alright. He walked in and sat down on your bed. You sniffed and hugged your legs tighter making it hard to breathe.

“Go back to breakfast, Liam. I’m fine.”

“Y/N, don’t let them get to you.”

“Liam, please.” You begged.

“I know how you feel. People tease me the most out of all the lads. You can’t let them get to you. Niall loves everything about you. He even wrote a song about you. It’s not really good but it’s sweet.” Liam let out a short laugh. You pulled your head from your arms enough to look at him.

“Liam what if Niall starts to believe in this stuff? He’ll leave and I’ll be broken hearted.” You started to sob quietly.

“He won’t. Niall is nothing like that.” Liam patted your back.

“But, what if?” You said more sternly.

“Then I’ll kick his butt.” Liam said smiling at you. He took your face in his hands and wiped the tears away. “Let’s go back to breakfast.”

You walked back into the kitchen and everyone smiled at you. As all of you ate, your phone kept buzzing from the notifications. You finally turned it to silent and laughed at a joke Louis was telling.

“So I tell him …not… to go into that bathroom and he didn’t believe me. So what does the dummy do? He goes into the ladies room!” Everyone burst into laughter. “He came out with a red face. And this older woman came out and stomped down on his foot. I was laughing harder and he stormed away.” You smiled, thinking about it.

After breakfast, Liam volunteered the boys to do the clean-up. The boys groaned but didn’t protest any further. You and the girls walked into the living area and sat to plan out the day. Perrie was talking about a carnival that came in a few days ago. She suggested that you all went. You had your phone in your hand when you saw it light up with Niall’s picture. He was calling you.

You got up and walked to the balcony in your room closing the doors behind you.

“Hey, Nialler!”

“Hey princess.” Niall sounded tired.

“Are you ok?” You asked.

“Yah, just a bit tired and,” he paused. “frustrated. I saw the hate. How are you holding up?”

“Babe, I’m fine. I had a talk with Liam and things are better. I mean the hate is still getting to me but haters gunna hate.” You said smiling to yourself.

“Yah, but I called to tell you something.”

Fear crept into your heart.


“I won’t be back until an hour before the show. Some things came up and I can’t get back any sooner.” Your heart sank as he spoke. The concert was to kick off the tour. You wouldn’t be able to see him for months. You held the phone away for a bit and then brought it back.

“That doesn’t give us much time to be together before your tour.” You whispered.

“I know. But we start the American leg of the tour after Valentine’s Day next year so I’ll be able to go see you in your hometown.” Niall tried to cheer you up.

“Then I can show you how American girls live.” You say.

“Is that a promise?” Niall laughed.

“Indeed it is.” You smiled. You heard a knock and then Savannah telling you that they were going to the carnival and that you needed to hurry up. “I have to go babe. The girls are taking us to the carnival. Call me tonight?” You asked.

“Of course.” Niall said and hung up.

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