Chapter 8: Music for the mood

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He blushed and you blushed even more. The night was beautiful. The stars were shining brightly and the moon was almost full. You and Niall danced in silence for a few minutes before you two noticed Savannah’s face.

“Is Savannah alright?” Niall asked. You two stopped dancing and you immediately understood why Savannah wasn’t having a good time.

“She misses Chance, her boyfriend. They haven’t seen each other since school let out for her.”

“For her? Don’t you go to school?” Niall asked as you two took up dancing again.

“I’m a college student I’ve been out for a few months now. She’s still in high school.”

“Ah. So why didn’t Chance come with you guys?” Niall spun you under his arm and brought you back in for a dip.

“Wow,” You laughed “that was quick! Her parents and mine wouldn’t have allowed it. Besides, Chance had to work all summer.” You smiled when you looked into Niall’s blue eyes.

"I see. So what college do you go to?”

“I go to (your dream college or local college). I’m studying (what you want to be when you grow up).”

“Interesting.” Niall laughed.

“It’s my passion!” 

“I like that. It gives you a sparkle in your eyes. It’s wonderful.”

You looked down and then over to Kelssey and Liam. He really seemed to like her. Harry was telling Savannah something making her laugh and smile. They had stopped dancing and were sitting at a table drinking some pop.

The country song Amazed came on and you felt like laughing because it was the perfect timing. Niall pulled you closer and sang a few parts.

“I wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side, forever and ever.”

You looked up at him and he leaned in. Right as your lips were about to touch you heard someone clear their throat. You looked over to see Savannah and Harry looking at you.

“What?” Niall asked a bit angrily.

“We both think that you should go down there to dance because we really aren’t feeling it.” Harry says.

“(Your name) I have to call Chance anyway and if he hears the music he’ll start to wonder so…”

“Yah we can move down there. Is that ok (Your name)?” Niall asked. You could hear it in his voice that he was a bit disappointed that the moment was ruined.

“Yah that’s fine. Can’t leave Liam and Kelssey alone down there.” To tell the truth you were disappointed too. You have always dreamed about kissing one of the boys and it was about to come true but it came crashing down.

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