Chapter 28: I'm the distraction.

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  (A/N: Sorry to keep you waiting. But the story is coming to an end soon so hope you like it.)

The carnival was outside the city but it was still close enough. Each girl had her boyfriend and a bodyguard with her. Well except you and Savannah. You two had a bodyguard each. Frank was your guard again.

“Frank, are you getting tired of babysitting me?” You smiled at him.

“Not if you listen to what I say and stay out of trouble.” He had a straight face but winked at you. You liked him. He was stiff sometimes but he was cool.

People would come up and ask for pictures with you and you would look at Frank for the ok. You played games and ate food. Midway through the day the carnival brought in a live band and you pulled Frank and Savannah with you to go dance. Craig, Savannah’s guard, was more of a jokester so he didn’t mind dancing. Frank still kept an eye out.

The band that was playing was pretty good. They were singing a cover of Good Time by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen. After a few more minutes of dancing, you went to get some cotton candy. It was purple and big. Savannah took half though and ran away laughing. Craig followed her.

“Aren’t the boys supposed to play somewhere around here?” You asked, trying to remember where the concert was supposed to be.

“No, they are playing at the O2 Arena on the other side of town.” Frank said.

You finished your cotton candy and went to go find Savannah. You lost Frank half way out of the crowd and went looking for him. As you circled the crowd, you saw Perrie and Zayn playing a game with live gold fish. You thought about going over to them but you didn’t want to be the third wheel. After walking around more, you decided to go fine Zayn and Perrie and a man pulled you behind the stage. He was the same man from the photo shoot.

“Listen very closely. You need to break up with Niall. Not because you two don’t deserve each other. Niall has his career to think about and he can’t have any distractions. You unfortunately are a distraction. You want the best for him right?”

You thought about what he said and nodded. Niall was in the middle of his career and who knew how long it would last. You wanted to be with Niall for the rest of your life, but were you distracting him? He had spent a lot of time with you this past summer and not with the boys. You were the distraction and when you go back to America he would want to be with you. You had to make the decision quick.

“When?” was all you could say.

“Tonight if not tomorrow. Before the concert.” The man had brown eyes and smelly breath.

You nodded and walked away. You didn’t make eye contact with many people and when Frank found you, you asked to go back to the hotel. Frank called in a car and a half hour later you were back in the hotel. You wished you could do this some other way than over the phone but you had to do it tonight.

Trust me love, Niall isn’t going to let you go that easily. That saying kept popping up in your mind as you packed your bags. Right as you finished packing, Savannah walked in the bedroom.

“What’s this?” She asked her smile fading.

“I’m going home. You can stay if you want but I need to go.” You said searching for your plane ticket.

“What?! You can’t leave! We were having so much fun and what about Niall? When he gets back and sees you’re not here, he’ll be crushed.”

“I’m breaking up with him tonight.” You said pulling your ticket out of Savannah’s carry-on.

Savannah stood there dumbfounded. “You can’t…”

“I am and I will. Niall and I aren’t working out.” You said passing her to go to the bedroom.

“Bull crap! You and Niall are perfect for each other and you will not throw this away because of a few insecurities. You and Niall are an adorable couple and you have only been official for a few days.” Savannah plucked the ticket out of your hand.

“Savannah! PLEASE, I’M DOING THIS TO HELP NIALL. CAN’T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!!!?” You screamed at her. She took a few steps back and you took the chance and grabbed your ticket. You walked out of the bedroom and closed the door. You moved the couch in front of it to stop her from coming after you.

You heard a knock on the door and hoped it was the bell boy you called for earlier. It was and he helped you load your two suitcases and carry-on on to the baggage cart. You heard Savannah screaming your name and banging on the door as you closed the front door. As you waited for the cab driver, you pulled Niall’s number up. You wanted to hit call but didn’t have the courage.

You exited out of the contacts and watched as a cab pulled up. The bell boy loaded the bags into the trunk and you handed him a tip and the room key.

“Can you take care of this for me? I really am in a hurry.” You asked and the bell boy nodded happily.

Your phone buzzed and fear prickled every nerve in your body. You got in the cab and ignored whoever was calling you. The cab driver was the same one who drove you here.

“How was your stay, love?”

“It was great. I’m going to miss this place.”

“Looks like they’re going to miss you.” He said and nodded towards the rearview mirror. You looked behind you and saw Harry and Liam running after the cab.

“Just keep going, they don’t understand why I’m leaving.” You watched as Liam went from and run to a sprint along with Harry after the cab.

“Alright , but I don’t think you understand when two celebrities run after you, you don’t keep driving.” He stayed quiet after that as he drove on. You watched Harry give up and a few seconds later Liam.

Twenty minutes later you were at the airport, walking to your gate. Your phone would not stop vibrating. Savannah, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn had called. Now Niall was calling. You wanted to do this before the plane flight home so you answered.

“Niall I…”

“What the Hell?! Why are you leaving?” He screamed.

“Niall, listen…” You tried to get out but he interrupted you again.

“No, I’m about ready to call you when I get a call from Liam saying you’re leaving. Then Savannah tells me you’re breaking up with me! Babe, those haters on the social media networks don’t tell the truth. I love you more than anything and I want you with me. You deserve everything. You are worth more than my career to me.” That did it. He made it clear that you were the distraction.

“Niall, I love you too.” You paused as a lump formed in your throat. “But I can’t distract you anymore. I won’t do that to you. Goodbye.” The last word was a whisper. You shut off your phone and boarded the plane.     

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