Chapter 5: The awakening

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You woke up in your room with a cold ice pack on the back of your neck. You were in your bikini still and your head pounded. You sat up slowly, trying to remember what happened. You remember jumping into the pool and getting stuck but you don’t remember how you were saved or how you got up to your room.

“Savannah?” your voice was a whisper. You cleared your throat and heard voices in the front room. You got up and pulled on a sweatshirt. When you walked out of your room you saw the boys and Savannah. You were thankful for the sweatshirt.

“(Y/N) you’re up! How are you feeling?” Savannah walked over to you and hugged you.

“My head feels fuzzy.” You managed to say. Each boy looked at you with different degrees of concern. Liam looked a little concerned. Louis and Zayn were a little less concerned. Harry looked very concerned and Niall looked like he was holding himself down to the chair.

Savannah helped you over to a chair and sat down with you. You felt self-conscience about your bikini bottom as your only cover for your legs.

“I don’t remember what happened.” You finally say to break the silence.

“Well after you jumped in, Savannah here jumped out and started to talk to me.” said Harry.

“Then you didn’t come up for air.” said Savannah.

“So I dove under and found you caught on the drain cover. You were stuck pretty well. When we got you out of the water, you passed out.” said Niall.

“Oh, well thanks for saving me.” You said rubbing your right arm.

“You hungry? You have been out since yesterday.” Savannah got up and looked at the boys. “You guys want anything?” They shook their heads no and then Savannah looked back to you.

“Uhh sure.” You say and tuck your legs under your body. “Thanks again for saving me.” You look over to Niall who has looking at you since you walked out of your room.  

“Savannah has told us that you two will be staying here all summer.” says Niall shifting in his seat.

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