Chapter 4: Embarrassment and Panic

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(A/N: if you like one direction and like this story so far... go like this page on facebook they are really cool :)

“That was spectacular.” You heard someone say. You look over and see a curly haired boy. Harry Styles.

“Well he was drowning and I was closest to him.” You say drying your hair. “I’m (Y/N).” you extended your hand to him.

“Harry Styles.” He took it and smiled. “But you know that don’t you? I can see it in your eyes.”

“Yah. I saw you enter the hotel this morning with that big crowd out front.” You smiled at him even more.

“Yah that was a mess. We haven’t been able to leave the hotel since we arrived.” He laughed.

“I bet. It was hard for my friend and I to get out.” Your insides were screaming for you to ask for his number. But you knew that would scare him off and you didn’t want to do that. Savannah finally came down and looked at you funny.

“You went in without me.” She looked disappointed.

“Sorry gorgeous.” This was a thing you two did.

“You owe me doll face.” She says and sits down. “Hey, aren’t you Harry from her favorite band?” She points to Harry then to you.

“Yes, he is Savannah.” You give her a warning look.

She was going to embarrass you in front of him.

“She is like in love with you and the others. She will never stop talking about you guys. She has a poster, a doll, and all your albums. She even…” You clamp your hands over her mouth and blush hard. You feel her lick your hand and you pull it away to wipe it off.

“She even dreams about you guys.” Savannah runs and jumps into the pool. You wanted to scream at her but you were blushing too much to move.  Harry looked at you and held in a small laugh.

“I’m going to kill her.” You finally get out. Your cheeks were hot from the embarrassment.

“It’s ok. You look cute with your cheeks red.” Harry lets out a small laugh. You cover your cheeks with your hands and trying to not look at him. You hear this scream and you think another kid fell in but this blonde boy runs in and does a cannon ball into the deep end.

“Good ol’ Nialler.” Harry says and you watch as Liam, Zayn, and Louis walk in. Savannah was going to have a ball with them. You got up and threw your towel on your chair and jumped in before she came back. You swam to the bottom of the pool and tried to stay there but you needed air.

You tried to swim up but you couldn’t budge. You looked down and saw your bikini bottom stuck on the drain cover. You let out a few bubbles and tried to get it loose. You were running out of air fast and your strap was stuck. Your vision started to darken around the edges and your lungs burned for air.

Someone grabbed your arm and loosened the strap from the drain cover. When you broke the surface you coughed and gulped down air. The boy who saved you was Niall. Savannah screamed your name as you were pulled out of the pool. Everything was fuzzy and you just slumped to the floor. Savannah was held back by Harry as Niall tried to tell you something.

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