Chapter 18: Sleeping and a duet?

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(A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes like spelling. I'm really tired and don't feel like editing tonight but tomorrow I will)

I figured it out I figured it out from black and white

 Seconds and hours maybe they had to take some time

I know how it goes I know how it goes from wrong and right

 Silence and sound Did they ever hold each other tight

 Like us did they ever fight Like us

You and I We don't wanna be like them

 We can make it till the end nothing can come between

 You and I Not even the Gods above can

 Separate the two of us No nothing can come between

 You and I Oh, you and I

I figured it out Saw the mistakes of up and down

 Meet in the middle there's always room for common ground

I see what it's like I see what it's like for day and night

 Never together cause they see things in a different light

 Like us they never tried like us

You and I we don't wanna be like them

We can make it till the end nothing can come between

 You and I not even the Gods above can

 Separate the two of us [Chorus]

 'Cause you and I we don't wanna be like them

 We can make it till the end nothing can come between

 You and I not even the Gods above can

 Separate the two of us no nothing can come between

 You and I oh, you and I ooooh you and I

 We could make it if we try oh, you and I you and I.

You smiled when you read it and knew girls all around the world were going to love it. You looked at him and sighed. He was all yours for now but by the end of summer you two will break up and go your separate ways. Plus you had to go back to school. You sat down placing Niall’s head carefully on your lap.

As you watched TV, you started to hear Niall snore softly. You smiled and ran your fingers lightly through his hair. Savannah walked out a started to watch TV with you and the sleeping Niall. He looked so worn out and you wondered if this was what he felt like all the time. With the concerts and the interviews: How can he keep up with it? My poor Nialler. You didn’t like seeming him so vulnerable.

“How long has he been out?” Savannah mouthed to you.

“About two hours.” You mouthed back. She nodded and was about to mouth something in reply when you heard a knock on the door. Savannah went to answer it and Liam walked in.

“There he is! We have a photo shoot in a half hour!” Liam shook his head and started towards Niall. You put your hand up and shook your head.

“Niall, time to get up.” You shook him. He stirred but fell back to sleep. “Come on Niall. You have to get up.” You shook him harder.

Niall finally stirred and looked up at you. He smiled then he saw Liam and jumped up.

“We’re late, aren’t we?” Niall said running a hand through his hair and then fixing his shirt.

“Yes! Now let’s go you’ll see her tomorrow.” Liam pulled Niall out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. You stood outside your door and waved goodbye as the elevator doors closed shut.

When you walked back in you saw Savannah reading the song.

“Did you two write this?” She looked up.

You nodded and she looked back down at the paper. Then she grabbed the guitar and started to play it. You walked over, leaving the door slightly ajar, and started to sing the notes you heard Niall sing. Soon enough, you and Savannah were singing You & I. When you two finished you saw Liam and Niall standing in the door way looking proud and amazed.    

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