Chapter 13: Panic mode and Wishing

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“Ok, maybe I did a tiny bit but that’s not the point. The point is that you need to put the ice on your eye and nose so the swelling goes down.” Your voice rose as you spoke. He looked at you with awe glinting in his eyes.

You took the ice pack and slowly placed it on his nose again. He flinched but otherwise didn’t pull away much. You gave him a sorry look and had him hold the ice to his eye then switch to his nose again. You got up to check on Savannah and Chance and found them with the fire in the fireplace blazing. They were snuggled up to each other.

When Savannah noticed you, she asked you if Niall was alright with her eyes. You nodded and she sighed in relief. Chance pulled her closer and you went back in to see how Niall was doing. Niall wasn’t sitting in the chair you left him in and you started to panic. What if he didn’t want anything to do with you because of Chance? Your heart started to race and you went to go find him.

You went to the little study room next to the kitchen but he wasn’t there. You went to the little bedroom next to it. It was empty. You looked in most of the rooms and you felt your heart start to shatter. What if he really did leave? Wouldn’t he have been seen or heard by one of you? You felt the tears pooling up and you quickly swiped them away. Now was not the time to start crying. There was one more place he could be. The balcony.

You walked to yours and Savannah’s room and opened the door. The balcony doors were open and the wind was blowing the curtains around. You walked over to see Niall leaning against the railing. Relief flooded your thoughts and you quietly walked up behind him. He looked handsome in the fading sun.

His hair looked like gold and his skin bronze. You couldn’t imagine what color his eyes were. You felt your emotions falling into a never ending spiral of chaos and havoc, but you didn’t mind. You marveled at the man in front of you and knew that somewhere in the hotel there were four others like him, each special in their own way.

You saw water dripping to the ground and knew that he was still holding the ice up to his face. After a few minutes he finally sensed you staring and turned around. He smiled at you and the sun was in a position to where you could only see his eyes. They were the brightest blue you could have ever imagined.

“Hey.” He smiled. His teeth were bright along with his eyes. It just made him look more handsome.

“How’s the face?” You asked but then covered your mouth. “I mean like your nose and eye!” You closed your eyes as Niall’s gleamed with amusement.

“It wasn’t that bad of a question. And it’s going to bruise some more.” He beckoned you over and you two looked out at the city in front of you. You stole glances over at him and saw that the bridge of his nose was purple and his cheek was bluish.

“Again, I’m sorry about Chance.” You apologized for probably the tenth time.

“Stop worrying. I’ve gone through worse. Remember, I have an older brother.” He laughed. His serious self vanished as fast as it had come. You smiled and looked at the sky. The moon was behind you guys but you spotted the first star.

“Niall, make a wish quick!” You closed your eyes and started wishing. You felt Niall’s hand slipping over yours and you looked up from your wishing.

“Did you make a wish?” He asked.

“Yes, I did make one. What about you?”

“Why would I make a wish? I have everything that I need. I have my dream job. I have four new brothers. I have you here as my girlfriend. Why would I need anything else?” You blushed at the word ‘girlfriend’.

“I’m your girlfriend?” You asked in a whisper.

“If you’ll have me as your boyfriend.” He smiled sheepishly at you. A smile grew as you nodded, not trusting your voice enough.

“So what did you wish for?” Niall asked.

“Uh-uh, can’t tell. It’s against the rules.” You said turning your gaze back at the now dark sky. “Can’t tell your wish, otherwise it becomes a star and you never get it back.”

You heard Niall give a soft laugh and pulled you into a hug as you two watched the moon rise in the sky.

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