Chapter 22: Do much? ;)

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Once up to your room, Niall let out a frustrated growl. You just watched him as he shook out his hair. Partially to get his anger out, but mostly to get the water off. You went to get some dry clothes and brought a robe out for Niall. Savannah was nowhere to be found. You went into the kitchen to grab some food and found a note.

“Went to the movies. Be back soon. –Sav.” You read out loud. You decided to make your famous nachos for Niall. Niall walked in wearing the robe that was small on him.

“Sorry, I thought it would fit.” You said as you pulled out the plate of nachos from the microwave. Niall shrugged and licked his lips at the site of the nachos. He looked up at you for confirmation. “All yours, Niall.” You laughed as he dug into the food.

You made yourself some and Niall being the adorable boyfriend he was, took some off of your plate. You laughed and took some of his. He smiled a cheesy smile, literally, and continued eating.

There was a question floating in your mind and you took this time to ask it.

“Niall, when are we going to become ‘official’?” You put the air quotes on the word official. He looked up from wiping his mouth. His blue eyes transfixed on you.

“Tomorrow, I have a press conference then. I had to keep it quiet because of management but tomorrow I’m going to tell. I don’t want to keep it a secret anymore.” He smiled at you and kissed your forehead. “Those were great nachos, by the way.”

You laughed and finished off the last of your nachos. You and Niall sat by the fire as your cloths dried in the drying machine. You couldn’t believe the changes in 48 hours. You were together with Niall, then off, and then back on and making it official. It was moving really fast and you had to catch your breath.

You heard more than saw Savannah walk in and you knew she was smiling at you. When you looked over at her, you saw her hand over her mouth and an amused expression on her face. That’s when you remembered Niall was wearing nothing but a robe.

“No Savannah, just no.” You told her. She burst into laughter and Niall finally pulled out from what looked like a deep thought.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing, she’s being a perv that’s all.” You answered.

“Don’t set yourself up for that then.” Savannah said skipping off to the kitchen. Niall looked down and realization hit him. He turned redder than a stop sign. You covered your mouth; trying not to laugh.

“Niall, you’re fine. She knows we wouldn’t do that.” You said still trying not to laugh.

Niall got up to get his clothes but realized that he would have to walk through the kitchen to get to the dryer and thought better of it.

“Hey weren’t we going to go swimming?” You asked as Niall sat back down.

“Oh, yah.” He laughed. He got up but sat back down. “I’m not going in there with Savannah.” He pointed towards the kitchen. You laughed.

“Your clothes are probably not dry anyways so hold on.” You got up and walked into your room. You pulled out your sweatpants and oversized sweatshirt. You pulled on your bikini and walked out to Niall. Savannah was sitting in a chair next to the couch Niall was sitting on. She had a smirk on her face and she just stared at him. You grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her.

“Stop scaring him.” You said. She laughed and ran into the bedroom.


“THAT’S BECAUSE WE DIDN”T DO ANYTHING YOU PERVERT!” You screamed back. Niall was red again and this time you let out the laugh that was buried deep inside. “Here put these things on they should fit.” He took the clothes and rushed into one of the many bathrooms.

“Clothes got wet from the rain?” You turned to see Savannah with a serious face on.

“Yah they’re drying right now. Wanna go to the pool with us?” You asked. Savannah ran back into the bedroom and was out before you knew it with her and your towels. Niall came out then wearing your sweatpants and sweatshirt looking more comfortable. They were still a little small on him but not as much as the robe was.

“I have to go upstairs and get my trunks.” Niall said.

“Ok, do you want us to meet you down at the pool or do you want us to come up with you?” Savannah asked.

You heard something in her voice that sounded like disappointment. Niall said you two could meet him down at the pool and walked out of the doors.

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