Chapter 24: Mobbed!

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After going to the pool, you and Savannah headed up to your room with Niall following close behind. Niall wanted to get his clothes before he went back up to his room. As you got his clothes, you heard Savannah and him laughing. You walked in to see Niall trying to pull off your class ring. You laughed as he pulled it off leaving a red mark around his pinky.

“Um Niall, that’s not meant for you.” You laughed. He handed the ring back to you as you folded his clothes up. He kissed you and winked at Savannah as he walked out of the door.

“What was that about?” I asked smiling at her.

“What?” She asked while walking to your guy’s bedroom.

“That little wink.” You laughed and followed. “You have a secret with my boyfriend?”

“Nah, just an inside joke. He just said that he was glad you didn’t try to swim to the bottom of the pool again.” You glared at her as she sauntered into the bathroom to shower.

The rest of the night was uneventful. The rain had stopped during the swimming session so you decided to stand out on the balcony until you became tired.

The next day, you and Savannah went on your little girl’s day and Niall sent a guard with you. You asked him to keep his distance so Savannah wouldn’t complain and he complied.

You two went and got your hair done along with your nails. You two didn’t dare go shopping again. You didn’t have the room in your bags. So you guys decided to go to the big Ferris wheel. The guard, Frank, went into the same box as you guys and a few girls started to whisper to each other when they saw you.

“Aren’t you (Y/N), the girl dating Niall Horan?” The one girl who was wearing a blue tank top asked. She had blonde hair with pink tips. Her friend was a brunette with blue tips.

“Um….” Savannah pulled the news up on her phone and nodded. Niall confirmed it. “Yah, I am.” you smiled shyly. The guard stepped closer to Savannah and you.

“Can I have a picture with you, two?” She pointed to you and Savannah and then looked over at the guard.

“Sure.” You said, not quite use to the attention still. The two girls came over and pulled out a camera. You smiled and they took about three pictures. By the time you got back down to the ground they were giggling and thanked you for the pictures.

“Well that was different….” Savannah shrunk back closer to the guard.

“Yah, I guess I won’t have a private life.” You said sighing. It was true until you and Niall break up, you won’t be free. (If you break up.) You wanted your privacy but you wanted to be with Niall. Which was more important? Niall all the way!

You asked what Savannah wanted to do and she said she wanted to talk to Chance. So you two split and did your own thing. As you window shopped you started to hum the song Niall had written; You & I. You saw so many things that you would love to buy but couldn’t. Then you saw a bracelet that Niall would love.

It was a forest green braided rope bracelet. It was very masculine. You went into the store and bought it for Niall. You walked out of the store with your guard right behind you. At least you wouldn’t be alone all the time.

“So, what should I call you?” You asked trying to make conversation. He had already said his name but you still wanted to talk to someone.

“Frank.” He said gruffly, which made you kind of laugh.

“Ok, Frank. What do you recommend I do until three?” You asked. Niall wanted to meet up at three so he could take me to an outfit fitting for some photo shoot.

“I suggest we go back to the hotel. There are going to be girls running around looking for you as soon as someone sees you.” He was right of course but you didn’t want to be kept cooped up in the hotel the rest of your visit.

“Alright, I guess I could watch some TV.” You sighed.

Walking back towards the car, you noticed a few girls staring at you. Then more and more started to show up. You heard Frank groan and you started to panic. Frank grabbed your arm and pulled you behind him. Then you were swamped by fan girls. Ok you liked it better when everything was a secret.

Girls were screaming your name and trying to touch you. You didn’t like the feeling and your panic rose. Frank pushed through as best he could but he ended up separating from you. Girls and cameras encircled you making you dizzy and disoriented.

“Frank?” You yelled out. Girls pushed to get to you or tried to take your bag with Niall’s gift in it. “FRANK!” You yelled.

You didn’t know how long you were in the crowd but Frank finally got back to you and picked you up. He carried you all the way to the car as more guards blocked the crowd. Once in the car, you let out a shaky breath and started to cry.

When you got to the hotel more guards escorted you to your room and you went into the bathroom to wash your face. Savannah came in and rubbed your back. Apparently Frank told her what happened.

“Hey, it’s alright. It’s over.” You were still shaking. Too many people around you; not enough space. You heard a knock on the door and Savannah went to go get it. You heard frantic talking and then you say Niall entering the bathroom.

“Babe, are you alright?” Niall pulled you into his chest and held you. ”I’m so sorry. I didn’t think it would be that bad.” He whispered into your hair.

“There were too many of them. Some were telling me that I didn’t deserve you and that I needed to just go away. One even told me to go die.” You said crying. You didn’t know how people could be so mean to you when they didn’t really know you.

“It’ll be ok, babe. I promise.” Niall smiled down at you and then told Savannah something. You guys spent the rest of your night watching movies you and Savannah had brought. Including a homemade movie you made when you were five. Niall watched with a caring glint in his eyes.

“This princess is what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a princess!” You had said at that age while holding a Barbie doll up. Niall laughed and pulled you closer.

“That came true I guess. You’re my princess.” You blushed at his words and cuddled closer to him.

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