Chapter 12: Nursing skills

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(A/N: I know the picture is of Liam but I couldn't find any of Niall)

Chance had calmed down enough to sit down and allow Savannah to tell what happened. You still couldn’t believe he flew all the way here to confront her.

You led Niall into the kitchen to stop the blood flow. You had him sit down on a bar stool and got a cold, wet wash cloth. You wiped carefully around his nose and handed him the cloth to wipe his hands.

You went over and pulled out the first aid kit you brought with you. You grabbed a band-aide and took the wash cloth from Niall. You wiped blood off of a cut on his eyebrow and placed the band-aide there. You looked at his nose as he placed the cloth under it to stop the flow. It wasn’t bruised and it didn’t look broken. You lightly touched it and he winced.

“Sorry.” You said wincing yourself. After a few minutes the bleeding stopped and there was a bruise sprouting around his eye. “I’m so sorry about that. Chance is a really nice guy. He is just really protective of his girlfriend.”

“I can see why. She’s really nice.” Niall said touching his nose then moving his hand away with a grimace. “I hope it isn’t broken.” He said as you thought it.

You went to the fridge and pulled some ice out and then poured them into a small zip lock baggy. You sealed the bag and walked back over to Niall.

“Alternate from your nose to your eye. It’ll help with the swelling.” You placed the makeshift ice pack on his nose carefully. He pulled away but you made him keep it there. You realized that his hair was all messed up and you thought it was sexy.

Then a fear creeped up on you. What if he didn’t want you as his girlfriend after that little episode? You didn’t want it to end.

You heard Savannah and Chance talking in the other room and knew that Chance was calmed down and ready to talk it out. You smiled towards that direction and then sat down next to Niall.

“Man he can pack a punch!” Niall whispered.

“Well he is a black belt, sooo….” You said kind of smiling. Poor Niall didn’t know he was out matched yet.

“Really! I would have been killed if it wasn’t for you and Savannah.” He let out a short laugh and looked over at you.

“Ok switch from your nose to your eye.” You said becoming his mom.

He shook his head no and you gave him a dirty look.

“Niall, it’ll stop the swelling!” you pushed him.

“It’ll hurt!” He retorted.

“Please, you big baby. I broke my arm when I was little and I didn’t cry at all!” Ok that was a lie but you wanted to seem tough.

“Right.” He said, not buying it.

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