Chapter 26: Party Snoozers

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(A/N: Sorry its been awhile freshman year of college is kicking my butt.)

It had been a few days since the photo shoot and you hadn’t been allowed to go anywhere without your own team of security. Savannah was getting irritated with it but she didn’t say much. You called your parents and apologized for not saying anything to them about you and Niall. Your dad wanted to meet him before you two went out on another date. Niall even talked to them for an hour.

You were pushed out of the room through half of the conversation and waited for them to finish out in the kitchen. You had just started to pace when Niall came out holding the phone out to you. You grabbed it and said hello.

“Hey, sweets!” Your dad said.

“Hey dad! How’s the weather over there?”

“Good. Your mother and I wanted to let you know that we love you and miss you very much.”

“Are we hanging up?” You asked confused.

“Well your mother has that dragon boat race today and I have to pass out the bags full of goodies in kiddos.”

“That was today?! Aw man! I love the dragon boat races. Wish her good luck for me.”

“I will. Love you sweets!” With that your dad hung up.

“Dragon boat races?” Niall asked.

“My mom’s company does the dragon boat races every year. They have a team and they get into a boat that looks like a dragon and they race in the river near my home. It’s fun to go and watch, but not very hygienic. The water is filthy and gross.” You explained.

“Oh cool.” Niall smiled, distractedly. “Hey, princess I have to go on a short business trip. I leave tonight, but I’ll be back by the concert. I have to get something straightened for the concert.”

Niall looked like he would rather stay here with you but knew better.

“Niall the concert is this Thursday. That’s four days!” You felt dread run up your spine and spread through your body. You wished he would take you but it was for work and you didn’t want to be away from Savannah.

“I know that’s why I have to leave tonight. I want to stay but I have to get things done. Perrie, Eleanor, Alora, and Kelssey want to have girl time though. So you and Savannah can spend time with them. I promise if I can get back any sooner I will.” Niall pulled you into a hug and didn’t let go.

“Does management hate us?” You asked out of the blue. You remembered the guy in the suit from the photo shoot and wondered about him.

“They aren’t very fond of us but I don’t care. They wanted me to date a model or another celebrity but I chose you.” He said looking down at you. You blushed and buried your head into his chest.

He gave you a squeeze and pulled away. He kissed the top of your head and left to go pack his clothes. You went to go put in a movie when you heard a knock on the door. Savannah came out of one of the spare bedrooms and opened it. Like Niall said Perrie, Eleanor, Alora, and Kelssey walked in with boxes of pizza, bags of chips, bottles of pop, and bags of candy.

“PARTY TIME!!!!” Alora yelled. You and Savannah stood there a little surprised but helped set up. Perrie turned on the radio and flipped through the channels until she got to a popular station. The sun was now setting and you opened all the shades and dimmed the lights. Kelssey had brought a light thing that had different colors and it moved around. It was like an electric disco ball on the floor.

The music was loud but still quiet enough to avoid disturbing the other guest. Everyone was dancing to Hot n’ Cold by Katy Perry except Savannah. She just sat and ate pizza. You walked over to her and tugged at her arm.

“I’m eating!” She laughed.

“What’s wrong? I sense tension.” You said.

“It’s nothing. I swear.” She took another bite of pizza.


“Alright! It’s just I’m losing you. I’m happy for you and Niall but I just feel that when we go home you’ll be different.” Savannah looked at her pizza.

“Yah, I’ll be different. That doesn’t mean we can’t be the same friends. C’mon, let’s party like there’s no tomorrow!” You said and pulled Savannah out of her seat.

There was a knock on the door and Perrie went to answer it. She grinned widely at whoever was on the other side and opened the door more.

“Excuse us ladies, but the music is too loud.” Zayn walked in with the other boys in tow.

“No boys in this party!” You laugh.

“Says who?” Harry countered with a smile.

“ME!” Savannah stepped in. She eyed Harry and he put his hands in the air. They both laughed and you all got back to the party. Niall wasn’t in the group of boys and your heart dropped. He really was going on that trip. There were no slow songs though. Eleanor said it would be rude to you and Savannah if everyone was slow dancing except you and her.

Liam pulled you into a dance and you laughed. Kelssey was laughing at a joke Harry was telling Savannah and Perrie and her. Alora was in the kitchen with Louis and Zayn getting food. Finally the others came in and started to dance too. Savannah looked like she was having fun now and it made you smile. A few hours later you all decided to watch a movie.

“What shall we watch?” Kelssey asked.

“Toy Story for Liam!” Louis smirked.

“I don’t watch it that much.” Liam glared at him.

“What about the Glass House?” Zayn asked.

“You really wanna scare six girls?” Eleanor laughed.

“Tangled?” Alora asked.

“A sappy girl movie? Ew, no!” Harry teased. Alora punched him lightly in the arm and laughed.

“I’m good with that movie.” You say as Savannah nodded.

“I like that movie.” Louis snuggled with Eleanor.

Kelssey popped the movie into the player and clicked play. Savannah and you were the only ones who didn’t have a boy to snuggle with so you just sat next to each other, soon though Savannah was lying on top of you. You two got stuck with the floor seats but you didn’t mind.

You all must have fallen asleep because when you woke up light was shining through the windows and the dvd player had turned itself off. You looked around to see everyone passed out in their seats. Savannah was curled in a ball next to you and Louis’ arm was on the other side of you. Someone was snoring and you suppressed a laugh. You got up and stretched.

You decided to make breakfast for everyone. When you walked into the kitchen you saw empty pizza boxes and pop bottles. You tossed it all into the trash and got to work. You made scrambled eggs and bacon with fresh orange juice and toast. While the toast was still in the toaster you set the big table and made sure everything was perfect.

“This is fun!” You said to yourself.

Once everything was cooked and set up you looked at your work. This was great!

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