Chapter 17: Lyrics

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 The next morning you woke up to find Savannah gone. She must have left for the airport with Chance before you woke up. You walked into the kitchen and got some breakfast. You heard a knock on the door and went to answer. You pulled the door open as much as the chain would allow seeing Niall standing there with a pen and some papers in his hands.

“Can I come in?” He asked. He dark circles under his eyes.

“Yah, are you alright?” You asked as you fully opened the door. Niall was still in the clothes he wore last night. His tie was gone though and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. You thought it was a sexy look on him.

“Yah, I’ve been up all night,” He laughed at the ironic pun and continued. “writing the rest of that other song. Now I want to get the lyrics for this one. And I need you with me.” He smiled at you. But he looked tired.

“I’ll make some coffee. You look exhausted!” You closed the door and walked into the kitchen getting things together. As the coffee was brewing you sat next to Niall at the kitchen table.

“This is what I have so far.” He handed you the paper and you scanned through it.

You and I

We don't wanna be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between

You and I

Not even the Gods above can

Separate the two of us

No nothing can come between

You and I

Oh, you and I

“This is great Niall. Why do you need me, though?” You said getting up to pour some coffee into a cup for Niall. You pulled out some coffee creamer and sugar for him as well.

“Because I do. It’s not black and white that you are my color.” He was losing it. He wasn’t making sense. “Wait that’s it!”

He wrote down some more lyrics.

I figured it out

I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours

Maybe they had to take some time

You read aloud and Niall smiled at you. You shoved the coffee into is hand along with the creamer and sugar.

“Niall drink some of this first, before writing anything else. You don’t want to make any mistakes on this.” You say as his semi-red eyes widen.

“That’s it! ‘Saw the mistakes…’” He wrote quickly on the sheet.

I figured it out

Saw the mistakes of up and down

Meet in the middle

There's always room for common ground

I see what it's like

I see what it's like for day and night

Never together

Cause they see things in a different light

Like us

They never tried

Like us

“See why I need you!” Niall sipped his coffee and continued to think. He thought of more lyrics and soon you two had a song. He called it You & I. You didn’t realize that Niall had brought his guitar and some sheet music and started to put the melody together. You made him breakfast as he started to pick at his guitar.

“I figured it out. I figured it out from black and white. Seconds and hours. Maybe they had to take some time.” He sang in different keys and notes. You sat and watched him. He was so handsome and his voice was even better in person.

“Yah that’s it.” Niall said after singing it the way he wanted. He jotted down the notes and something else, maybe the instrument to be used. You went to take a shower and when you came out, Niall was still in the chair picking at the guitar.

Hours later he had finished the song and started to practice it and tweak it. It was past lunch and Savannah had come back. She stayed in your guys’ bedroom watching TV, while you made lunch. You brought lunch out and sat Niall’s plate in front of him, which pulled him from his song writing.

“Thanks. Sorry for blanking out. I get in this zone where I can’t do anything until I finish the song. How long have I been working on it?” His sleepy voice was starting to kick in and you smiled.

“Five hours and you’ve been up all night with the other song.” You said, pushing the food towards him. “Eat before you continue.”

He put down the guitar and picked up the plate. You went to the kitchen to put the leftovers in the fridge and when you came back Niall had finished and was fast asleep on the couch. You smiled at him and covered him with a blanket. You picked up the sheet music and read the song to yourself.

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