Chapter 7: The "dance club"

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(A/N: How do you guys like it so far? Not too bad or is it bad? Comment below :) )

People asked you questions and tried to grab your arm but Niall was there pulling you away from the chaos. Soon you, Niall, Savannah, and Harry were inside and being seated.

“How do you like England so far?” Harry asked.

“Of what we’ve seen, it’s beautiful and historic.” You say as Niall waves someone over.

“What’s Liam doing here? I thought he was sick.” Niall smiles.

“Must be feeling better. And who’s the young lady with him?” Harry adds.

Liam walks over to the table with a brown hair girl. She was beautiful in her white evening dress. My orange one couldn’t compare to it.

“Hey guys! Sorry I lied about being sick. I wanted to go pick up Kelssey privately.” Liam smiled over at Kelssey as she blushed. “Kelssey, this is Savannah (Her last name) and (Your first and last name). And of course you know Niall and Harry.”

“I love your guys’ dresses. They are so beautiful!” She beamed. You and Savannah thanked her and talked to her for a while. Your food you guys had ordered came and you continued to talk about things.

“Hey did you guys know that there’s this amazing dance club just around the corner?” asked Harry.

“No, can we go?” Kelssey and you asked at the same time.

“Let’s do it!” Liam said getting up from the table.

You guys got up and started walking towards the door. Once at the door Liam took Kelssey’s hand, Harry took Savannah’s hand, and Niall took your hand which made little shivers run along your arm.

You ventured into the sea of lights again and headed towards the dance club. Harry led you all to an alley way then up some stairs to a roof top. There were unlit candles and an ipod dock. A security guard guarded the alley way, making sure no cameras were going to disturb you. Niall lit the candles, Liam put on some music, and Harry took Savannah’s hand and started dancing with her. Liam pulled Kelssey into a dance and twirled her around.

Niall took your hand and led you up to another roof higher up. You were still close to Savannah, the others, and the music. But you were alone with Niall. Butterflies flew fast around your tummy and you started to look around to stop yourself from getting too nervous. You saw a lattice with small flowers in it and Christmas lights strung all around it. It was so beautiful.

“Wow! Niall this is amazing!” you breathed.

“I’m glad you like it. I wanted to do something special for you.” He smiled at you and took your hand. You two danced to the music for a while before talking again. “That day we, the boys and I, came to the hotel; we weren’t the boys running into the hotel. Those were decoys. I was the boy talking to you. And at the pool I wanted you to notice me so I screamed and jumped into the pool. I like you a lot (y/n).” He said nervously.

You blush. “I like you too, Niall.”

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