Chapter 25: Photo shoot!!!!

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“Hey Niall what about that photo shoot?” You asked as the thought popped up in your mind.

“That’s not important anymore.” He said.

“Niall I don’t think it’ll be good if you skip it. Management might have a fit.” You said poking him in the side. He flinched away and smiled. You kept poking him until he got up laughing.

“Alright I’ll go. But I want to take you and Savannah out tonight.” He was always thinking about Savannah too.

“No, I’m actually going to Skype my boyfriend tonight.” Savannah said. “Thanks though. Oh and Chance says sorry for beating you up.”

You had forgotten about Chance and how he had beaten Niall. You looked at Niall’s still bruised face. He had make-up to cover the purple but now it was yellow and brown.

“It’s alright, after the pain it was sort of nice. Like he cares a lot about you that he would come over here and fight for you.” Savannah blushed and went to grab her computer to start her video chat.

“Do you want to come with me if she’s going to be talking?” Niall pulled you off the couch and held you by your waist.

“Sure. I can see your outfits then.” You say laughing. Niall’s smile widened and he pulled you out of the hotel room. Frank was right behind you two along with two others.

Once at the shoot, you were ushered to sit in a seat behind the camera. Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn were already waiting for Niall to get dressed. Louis came over to you and smiled widely.

“Hey!” You said to start a conversation.

“Hey, so I have a question for you. You and Niall are getting pretty serious. He’s a brother to all of us. Are you going to take care of him? He gets hurt easily and the lads and I don’t want to see him hurt.” Louis was being the big brother. He wanted to ensure his ‘brother’s’ heart would be broken.

“Louis, I love Niall and I want to take care of him. I’ll fight for him and be there for him when he’s hurting. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him on purpose.” You said taking on a dead-serious tone. You felt something for Niall. It was more than a fondness towards him. It was love. You had never had stronger feelings for anyone else. “That’s why it’s going to hurt when I go back home.” You say, not realizing what you said.

“Trust me, love, Niall isn’t going to let you go that easily.” Louis smiled again and got up from his crouch. Niall walked out wearing jeans with a pink top. The boys were wearing similar clothes only different colored shirts. You watched as they all stood together then separate. Niall waited next to you smiling to himself.

“Why so happy, Nialler?” You asked using his nickname.

“Just can’t wait for the concert next week.” He blew it off like it was nothing and went to have his photos taken. You started to make funny faces at him which made him laugh. Every time he would go for a serious look, you would ruin it. They finally managed to get a serious look out of him and he was allowed to go.

“Thanks. Got yelled at because of you babe.” He laughed and kissed your forehead. Niall went back to change again and you went to talk to Harry.

“Hey, how’s Alora?” You asked.

“She’s good. I’m taking her to the concert next week. Liam is taking Kelssey, too.” Harry took a sip of water.

“So how long does this make it? Two and a half weeks?”

“Yah.” he smiled to himself. “She’s great!” Harry was called next and you walked over to Zayn.

“Hey, is my boy treating you right?” He smiled.

“Yah, he’s been amazing to me. I hope when I go home that we can video chat as much as possible.” You said smiling at Niall who was playing with a soccer ball.

“I think you two will. When Niall wants something, he’s determined to get it. So I think you guys will be fine.” Zayn wrapped an arm around your shoulders and took a bite of a donut. Which he wasn’t supposed to have.     

Niall kicked the soccer ball over to you and you picked it up. He strode over and smiled.

“Can I have the football back?” He asked.

“I don’t see any footballs around here.” You laughed as Niall rolled his eyes.

“You know the football in your hands.” He gestured towards the ball.

“Niall, this is a soccer ball not a football.” You said teasingly.

“You’re on my turf. It’s called a football.” He laughed.

“But it’s in my hands.” You countered.

“Fine, can I please have the soccer ball.” Niall shivered when he said soccer ball. You laughed and handed the ball to him. He kissed your cheek and ran off.

The rest of the shoot was boring and you noticed a man glaring at you. He was wearing a black suit and red tie. He didn’t seem friendly so you stayed away. Then you realized he was part of management. He must not like the fact that Niall and you were dating.

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