Chapter 11: Confrontation

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(A/N: Ok so Chapter 11 is violent but its perfect for the story.)

“You knew this would happen?” you said getting irritated.

“Well its common sense. You went out with me and people saw it. There were bound to be paparazzi attacks.” Niall looked at you sympathetically. Savannah gave you a told you so look and went in first plopping her bags on her bed. You and Niall went in after and you dropped your bags on the floor next to your bed.

Niall was already in the other room, stretched out on the coach. He was such a cutie. But he wasn’t yours until he asked you to be his girlfriend, if they did that here.

“Relaxed aren’t we?” You teased as you walked into the kitchen to get some water.

“Yup! This suite is amazing!” He said from the other room. Where did Savannah vanish to?

“Isn’t yours amazing as this one. I thought it would have been better.” You said walking into the room and spied Savannah talking on her cell phone. Most likely Chance.

“There are five of us in one room. It’s a pig sty in there!” He laughed pulling you down on top of him. You laughed as you landed. He was really strong!

“Ok, fine, I’ll sit with you!!” You laughed as he wrapped an arm around you and turned on the tv. Savannah walked in shortly after that and had a puzzled look on her face.

“What?” You asked as she sat down.

“Chance just called asking me if I was his girlfriend. He sounded kinda miffed.” She said looking at the tv.

“Well, he hasn’t seen you in a week. The poor guy must miss you.” You said as Niall touched your side making you giggle. You were very ticklish there and your feet. He smiled and did it again. You slapped him playfully and snuggled closer. That’s when you heard the pounding on the door.

You looked at Savannah then up at Niall. You got up and walked to the door. You opened the door as much as the little chain would allow seeing a fuming Chance. What was he doing here? You asked yourself.

“Open the door, (Your name).” Chance’s blue eyes were a darker shade then usual and his voice was deeper.

You closed the door, undoing the chain, then opened it as he stormed in. There was a newspaper in his hand. It looked like the New York Times.

You followed behind him into the other room. Savannah stood up with a smile but it faded as he went straight for Niall. Oh no!!

Niall stood up sensing the tension as Chance swung at him. Luckily Niall ducked in time and backed away.

“Dude, what’s the problem?!” Niall screamed.

“Tell that idiot, Henry to stay away from my girlfriend!!!” Chance lunged for Niall and they both fell to the ground.

“Chance!!! STOP!!!!!” Savannah tried to pull Chance off but he was too heavy to pull off. Niall had managed to dodge any punches Chance had thrown. But he managed to get hit in the nose and eye. “Chance listen to me. Harry and I aren’t having a fling!!! I went to dinner with him for (your name). He has a crush on another girl! STOP IT!!!!” Chance was a first degree black belt in karate and he was working on his second degree. He was lethal.

“How should I believe you?!” Chance stopped long enough for Niall to wiggle out of his grasp. “You come to a foreign country and expect me to believe you don’t want to meet a guy?” Chance screamed. What were the neighbors thinking?

“Chance, Savannah is telling the truth. She doesn’t want anyone but you!!!! So stop this!!!” You screamed pounding your fists into his back. Niall was holding his nose and you were hoping it wasn’t broken. That’s just what management wanted.

Chance held up the paper and on the front cover were Harry and Savannah, Liam and Kelssey, and Niall and you. All of you holding hands. That must have been taken when you guys were going to the ‘dance club’. “You’re telling me that this is nothing? You two are holding hands!!!”

“He was getting me through the crowds of paparazzi! Did you want your girlfriend to get mobbed by them?!” Savannah yelled.

“Chance just sit down and listen to Savannah. She’s telling the truth. Harry wants another girl.” Niall said his voice muffled by his hand.

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