Chapter 30: All American Proposal

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(A/N: New story coming soon!!!! -storywriter19)

“Did the guys know you came here?” You asked. You were on a plane now headed back to England with your parents and Niall.  

“No, I knew they would try and send someone after you but I thought that would be too impersonal and not to mention cowardly.” Niall said taking your hand in his.

“This has been one of the most unique summers I have ever had. I still remember you on the X-Factor you were so cheeky and bright. I fell instantly in love.” You rested your head on his shoulder and smelled his wonderful cologne.

“The first time I saw you, man it seems like forever ago, you and Savannah were sitting in the lobby. I was originally going to talk to her…” Your head shot up.

“Well, thanks babe.”

“Let me finish. When you looked up at me with those amazing (Your eye color) eyes, I started to fall. The more I got to talk to you, the deeper I fell. At the pool when you were caught on the drain, I was terrified that I was going to lose you. I have fallen in love with an American girl.”

“I’m your all American girl, Niall.” You smiled. He kissed your forehead and pulled you close.

“You know I’m going to steal your guitar. It’s a beauty and it sounds heavenly.” Niall said teasingly.

“Nope sorry, its mine.” You smiled and looked up. This man had changed your life over the summer and you were so happy about it. You would have never dreamt this would be reality.

A few hours passed and Niall was passed out next to you. Light snoring escaped from him and it made you smile big. Your mom and dad were talking and laughing a few rows back. They were a cute couple and hoped that you could have a relationship like that with Niall. You were surprised when Niall said that he borrowed the band’s jet to come for you.

As you guys flew the jet hit some turbulence and Niall shifted his head to your shoulder. Your guys’ hands were still intertwined and you looked for the details. His skin was tan and smooth. Your hand was enveloped in his and it made you feel secure. Sleep tugged at you and finally you let yourself fall asleep.

“Babe, c’mon. It’s time to get up.” Niall was nudging you.

“We there already?” you asked yawning and stretching out.

“Did you know you snore?” Niall said with a teasing smirk.

“You do too.” You said unbuckling yourself and getting up.

“Yah but you sound like a train horn.” Niall made a snoring sound and started laughing.

“Yah, yuk it up Horan. Just you wait!” you said glaring at him. It made him laugh even more. Airport staff came running to grab your bags to put in the car and Niall took your hand in his. You saw a flash in the distance and noticed paparazzi taking pictures.

“Don’t look at them. They want that from you.” Niall said under his breath. You squeezed his hand in response and got in the car and your parents were in the car ahead of you.

“I have a lot to learn about being a celebrity’s girlfriend don’t I?” you asked playfully.

“Yah, I signed you up for classes. You start tomorrow.” Niall laughed at his own joke. “No you’ll be fine. They’re just like flies, you ignore them until they bite then you swat them away.”

“So what are we doing today?” You asked hoping to spend some time with Niall before tomorrow.

“I have rehearsals for tomorrow’s concert but I want you to meet my parents tonight. They flew in this morning and I want to have dinner. Do you think your parents would come too?”

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