Chapter 14: Getting Ready

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 The night became cooler and Niall had to go back to his hotel room. You closed the balcony doors and closed the curtains. You heard the front door shut quietly and you walked out of your room to see Savannah and Chance asleep on the couch. The fire had died down a bit and you walked into the kitchen to turn the lights off. You turned off the rest of the lights and made yo...ur way back to your room.

With one last look at Savannah and Chance, you closed the door and went to sleep. You drifted off to dream landing feeling happy and thankful for this trip. One thought rushed into your mind making your eyes spring open. What will happen when I leave?

The next morning you woke up feeling that thought creep back into your mind. Before you went to bed last night, you kept thinking of ways to stay together. You knew you still had a little over a month before you had to go back but you knew how short that month could be. As you walked out of your room, you clamped a hand over your mouth as you saw Chance sprawled out on the floor and Savannah on the couch comfortably asleep. You started to wonder how that happened but then got an idea.

You ran into the kitchen and grabbed some pans. You tiptoed to the couch and started banging the pans together. Chance shot up to his feet while Savannah flipped off the couch knocking Chance down on top of her. You started laughing and quickly stopped when you saw Savannah get up glaring up at you. You took off running as Savannah lunged for you.

You ran laughing into one of the bedrooms near the kitchen. You locked the door as Savannah started to bang her fists on it. You fell onto the bed, dying of laughter. Then you heard a click and froze. You looked up to see Savannah opening the door holding a key with Chance smirking behind her.

“Now Savannah, it was just a joke. I swear!” She lunged for you and slapped your arms repeatedly. After getting slapped to death, Savannah got up and walked out of the room towards the kitchen. Then you remembered that Niall asked you if you and Savannah and Chance would like to go to dinner tonight and you said sure.

He wanted the press to see that Savannah was with another man and Harry was with another girl. Then you realized that Chance didn’t bring much with him and you had asked Niall if he could borrow some clothes for the date. Chance had to leave to go back to work tomorrow and you knew Savannah would be bummed. Niall had agreed with a smile on his face and you had hugged him. Now you knew that you and Savannah needed new dresses.

You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a banana. You sat down next to Savannah and told her about the date tonight. She squealed as she thought of herself and Chance going to have a nice date. After breakfast, you and Savannah sent Chance up to Niall’s room so Harry could reinforce what really happened.

You two got ready to go shopping and headed out. After a few hours you two finally found a shop that had so many dresses. Savannah chose a purple one that came to her knees and had a purple bow in the back. You found a dress that was about the same length but was a midnight blue that slowly turned into a light blue as it went down the dress. It had small swirls all over it making it shimmer as you moved. You and Savannah loved your dresses and bought them. You two rushed back to the hotel to get ready. Of course you two were ambushed again by the paparazzi but this time you were ready for them.

As soon as you two got up to your room, you got to work on getting ready. There was a note lying on each of your beds and you picked yours up. It was from Niall and you smiled at it. Savannah took this chance to jump in the shower first. You walked over to the balcony and sat down in the warm sun.

“Dear (y/n),

Last night was pure bliss and I can’t wait for more of those moments. You bring a new light to my life and give me a reason to write more music knowing girls out there like you will fall in love with it. I can’t explain these feelings for you. Tonight you and your friends are going to have fun.


You smiled and held the note close to you. You were so happy and you wanted to make sure tonight was perfect for you and Niall.

After Savannah was done in the shower you jumped in. Your mind was racing until that thought crept back into your mind. You finished quickly and jumped out. Savannah had already blown her hair dry and was combing it out.

“Did you read your note?” You asked as you grabbed the blow drier.

“Yah it was really sweet.” She smiled and started putting some make-up on.

About an hour later, you two were in your dresses and finishing each other’s hair. Savannah had pulled your hair into a ballerina bun and you were French braiding her hair. You finished and you both smiled at the work you two did. It was just in time too because you heard a knock on the door.

Savannah went to the door and you grabbed her high heels. She hates them but knew she needed them. You slipped yours on and rushed to the door to see Chance standing there with a dozen random flowers. Savannah stood on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek as you tossed her high heels to her.

Niall walked in and let out a small gasp when he saw you. You blushed and walked over to him.

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