Chapter 10: Ambush

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The sun filtered through a crack in the shades, landing straight on your face. You grumbled flipping over in your bed. Savannah was already up and watching tv. The night before was amazing. Niall had given you more kisses before he finally took you back up to your room. You really liked him and he liked you from what you could tell.

Today, you and Savannah were going to a play and then shop. You got up grumbling to yourself on the way to the bathroom.

“You’re not much of a morning person are you?” asked Savannah.

“Don’t start miss sunshine and rainbows.” You retorted.

“I’m anything but. You, on the other hand, scare the devil in the morning.” Savannah laughed.

You picked up a pillow before entering the bathroom and chucked it at her. About twenty minutes later you were dressed in a cute blue top and hot pink shorts. Savannah was wearing a green top and blue jeans. You both walked to the door and pulled on a pair of shoes. You wore a pair of pink sandals and Savannah wore her favorite blue converses.

“I thought you and Niall would be hanging out today!” Exclaimed Savannah.

“Nope. This is our trip. I want to spend time with you!” You say taking her arm in yours. “And Niall had to go to a press conference…” You laughed and ran ahead so Savannah couldn’t punch you.

A few hours later you and Savannah had two bags each from shopping and were eating lunch. You noticed some random guy starring at you. Your eyes met and he looked away. Then he pulled out a camera and started snapping pictures. You looked away and finished your food.

“Let’s get going. We have a snapper over there.” You looked over again and then back.

“Well, what do you expect? You go out with a celebrity and you expect your life to stay normal.” Savannah shook her head and paid the bill before you could protest.

As you two walked back to your hotel more and more snappers showed up with cameras. Some of them were yelling questions to you.

Are you and Niall dating? What’s your name? Where are you from? How did you two meet? Is it true you two had a one night stand?

Where were they getting this stuff and where were they all coming from? You and Savannah reached your hotel and walked in thankful that the security guard remembered you. You two soaked in the fact that you just got ambushed by the British version of the paparazzi. The elevator ride was short and when you walked out, you saw Niall standing at your door.

“Hey, I was wondering when you two would get back!” Niall came up and hugged you and then side hugged Savannah.

“Yah, the paparazzi got us. It was really weird and annoying.” You said opening the door so you guys could go in.

“They did? Wow that was fast!”

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