Chapter 29: Back For You

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The plane ride home was quiet and dark. You flew through the night and when you landed it was early morning. You had called your dad on the plane phone and told him that you were back. You went through customs and picked up your bags.

A few people recognized you but didn’t walk over to you. Your dad met you at the entrance and took one of your bags. The concert was in two days and you were going to miss it. Your heart broke as you turned your phone on; Niall’s and your picture was your home screen. Twenty missed calls and forty texts.

 Trust me love, Niall isn’t going to let you go that easily. He wasn’t making it easy for you. Your mom was in the car talking on the phone. She always had to work and barely ever got off the phone.

Halfway home your dad’s phone went off. He looked at it and answered. The next few minutes were filled with uh-huhs and oks, then he handed you the phone. You answered thinking it was a family member or something. You were completely wrong.

“(Y/N), Niall went missing. No one can find him. He came back last night but disappeared shortly after that. He left his phone and other things here. We don’t know what happened.” Savannah sounded frantic.

“What am I supposed to do? If he doesn’t have his phone how am I supposed to get ahold of him?” You said feeling tired.

“Where do you think he would go? We called his parents, his brother, and his friends. No one knows what happened to him.” She was pleading.

“I don’t know maybe the arena; his apartment, maybe. I don’t know.” You said getting frustrated. Why would Niall run away and where would he go? Your dad pulled off at a rest stop and got out quickly. You covered the mouth piece and asked where he was going.

“He hasn’t been feeling good for a few days.” Your mother said before continuing her conversation.

“We went to his apartment and the arena. Nothing came up.”

“I don’t know what to say then. I can’t keep tabs on him.” You said ready to end the call.

“What if he tries to kill himself, Y/N?! What would you say then? You love him and he loves you! That guy from management got to you. We all know it. He spilled after Liam threatened to quite along with the other boys. How could you listen to that little twerp?”

The thought of Niall dead was imprinted in your mind. What if he did kill himself? He seemed pretty upset the first time you two broke up.

“Y/N! Answer me! How could you listen to the twerp?”

“Because he’s right. I have to go.” You hung up before she could make her point. Your dad came back out and took his phone.

“Let’s get breakfast!” He said as he started the car again.

“Didn’t you just go in there to puke or something?” You asked.

“No I had to use the bathroom so now let’s go eat.

You all decided on Denny’s and headed for the nearest one. Niall’s still body made your stomach clench and a lump form in your throat. You thought frantically for a clue to Niall. You remembered the last time this happened. Niall had gone to the park.


You texted Savannah, not wanting to talk again, saying to check the park. She sent back a reply saying they checked there. You thought of Niall’s favorite places. The bars, Nandos, he could be anywhere. Your family pulled into Denny’s when hope started to drift away.

Could Niall be dead by now? No, you were just over reacting. He’s alive and he is fighting to get you back. You had to keep telling yourself that. By the time you came to this conclusion you had ordered your meal and it was sitting in front of you getting cold.

Your mom chattered away on her phone and somehow ate at the same time. Your dad devoured his pancakes ruthlessly. You just stirred your eggs around the plate. Your dad finished his plate and wiped his mouth on the paper napkin.

“Hun, Niall is fine. You’re not. Let me give you some advice my father gave me when I met your mom. ‘If there’s a little bit of love there let it grow. If not let her go.’ It means to follow your heart not management.” You stared at your dad, the man who was always trying to push guys away from you to protect you. He was always the one giving the great advice.

“He deserves better dad.” You put your head down.

“Bull!” his voice boomed. A few people turned to look but went back to eating soon after. Your mom just continued her conversation. “You are as good for him as that boy band of his deserving a Brit. You are as beautiful and talented as any of those other girls out there.”

You tuned him out after that. You love him but he doesn’t see the big picture. You finished your plate last and headed back home. It wasn’t far now. Your phone buzzed again with an unknown number and you answered. You weren’t expecting the person on the other end.

“Grandma?” You said as she started to chew you out.

“Young lady. You bring that young man to come see me before you go back to school.” She may have been old but she was a firecracker. She wasn’t the Hollywood grandma who was white haired and baked cookies. No, she was a tall woman with brown hair who traveled a lot.

“Yes, grandma. I will.” I said and added, “I have to go. Call you later today?”

She hung up without a goodbye and you leaned your head against the car window.

You fell to your bed, after lugging your stuff up to your room. For the first time since you got on the pain, there was regret. Regret and fear that hadn’t left since the call with Savannah.

You looked around your room and saw it was the same. Blue walls, white furniture, a balcony, your favorite old stuffed animals, and even your guitar which was in its case. You grabbed it to get your mind off reality for a bit. When you opened it up, your white Les Paul guitar was gone. Who moved your guitar?

You picked up the note that was in the case. It had an arrow pointing to your balcony on it. You walked out to it and saw another note. It pointed down. You looked down and saw your amp, and then Niall stepped out from behind the shed.

Tears sprang up and you covered your mouth. Niall had your guitar and was now playing it. It was the song Liam had mentioned, the song that he had written for you. It was a beautiful song.      

Trust me love, Niall isn’t going to let you go that easily.

And he didn’t let go. He loved you and would chase you until the end. Once he finished the song he beckoned you down. You had to give him at least a chance.

Niall was just putting your guitar and amp into the kitchen when you reached the bottom steps.

“Y/N, you gave me your side, now listen to my side. Please.” He looked exhausted and most likely was from flying so much. “You are not easy to deal with when your mind is set, you’re hard headed, and you tend to run from your problems. But I love you none the less. And I want you no matter what happens. If my career goes down the tube, then I have you to love me. If the haters send my hate, you’ll be there loving me. You’re my other half and best friend. Management doesn’t like use together. Who cares? They never like anything we did anyways. All I want is for you and me to try this all again. What do you say?”

Through this whole thing your mom and dad had walked into the kitchen. Your dad was wiping tears away and your mom kept her chatter low. She startled you when she covered the mouth piece and said, “If you don’t take this boy back, I’m grounding you.” She went back to talking and you turned to Niall.

“You made her talk to me.” Your mom hit you with mint that she was going to pop in her mouth. “And I’m sorry for running Niall. It was stupid of me and I never want to do that again.”

Niall pulled you into a tight Horan Hug and you laughed.

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