Chapter 31: 14 Years

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 (A/N: Well here's the ending... im going to miss writing this. I'm really sad that its done. I hope you like it and hope you guys will vote comment if you want an imagine or if you want to be in any future fanfics. Please vote and tell your friends thanks and love you!!! -storywriter19)

“Dillon, you’re going to be late for football practice.” You called to your twelve year old son. When you and Niall got married he wanted kids straight off, but you said that you wanted your degree first. Niall happily agreed and after a lot of studying, you got your degree.

You and Niall wanted to name your son differently. You wanted Daniel and he wanted more of an Irish name like Colman. You two decided on Dillon because it was the Irish version of Dylan.

“Mom, I want to play my guitar though.” Dillon whined.

“After practice, hon. Your dad already left he has to prep the team up.” You said grabbing water bottles out of the fridge. Dillon huffed and pulled on his shoes. “Hey, Darcy might be there.”

Darcy was Harry’s and Alora’s beautiful curly haired cheerleader. Dillon really liked her and she liked him.

“Well if she’s going to be there then alright if I have to.” You ruffled Dillon’s blonde hair and watched him run to the car. You looked around your home and realized it had been almost fourteen years since that summer you met Niall. You now lived in Ireland where you worked in nursing. Niall was a successful producer of music in the UK but spent most of his time coaching the local football (soccer) team. You missed America but you wouldn’t change anything.

You had a wonderful home, an amazing husband, a great son, and another child on the way. Life wasn’t perfect of course you and Niall had your fights but they died when Niall cracked a joke.

You finished your mental check list and got in the car. Dillon sang to the songs on the radio and you couldn’t help but wonder if he would make it like his father did. When he hit a high note, you knew he would. Then the familiar tune of What Makes You Beautiful came on and your smile grew as Dillon sang along to it. You and Niall had told Dillon about the fame but he didn’t really understand at the time.

“I love this old song, who’s it by?” He asked.

“One Direction, my favorite band. Your father’s band.” You said looking in the rearview then back to the road.

“You serious? Dad actually sang this?” Dillon’s eyes bugged out.

“It was their first big song.”

“Wow!” Dillon pulled out his phone and started typing out something. “One Direction right?” You nodded and pulled into the parking lot of the football field. You saw Harry and Alora sitting with three other little ones by Niall. Darcy’s twin brother Alex waved to Dillon who was jogging over to join the huddle. You carried everything over to set up next to Alora and Harry. Chance, the youngest, Macy, the second youngest, and Katie, the middle child, all played with either dolls or toy cars.

After the game, Niall took the team out for ice cream. Dillon sat next to Niall and asked question after question about One Direction and that time of his life. Dillon looked up videos and blogs so he could get a better understanding about his father’s “rock and roll” life. By the time you and the football team got back to the field he had learned almost everything about the boy band his father was in.

When you guys got home, Dillon shot up to the attic and pulled down the boxes that said 1D on them.

“Now Dillon wait, before you engross yourself into your father’s amazing past, I need to say something to the both of you.” Niall sat down with his guitar and strummed a bit. Dillon sat down next to him and waited. “I know our family is comfortable the way we are but…”

“Babe, this isn’t about moving again is it? I can’t leave the team.” Niall interrupted.

“No this isn’t about that.” You said remembering the huge fight about moving a few weeks ago. “I know we are all comfortable like this, but we need another addition.”

“Babe, you want to remodel the house?” Niall asked getting a bit irritated.

“No.” You laughed a bit. “Niall you’re going to be a father again and Dillon you’re going to be a big brother.” You rushed out.

Dillon looked up from his phone and Niall from his guitar strumming. Niall’s eyes widened and then sparkled with unshed tears.

“Seriously?!” Niall put down his guitar and walked over to you. Dillon frowned and stared at you. “Babe, that’s amazing!! What do you think Dillon?”

“If it’s a boy I’m fine but if it’s a girl no thanks.” You rolled your eyes and released Dillon to his boxes of memories.  

“Is it bad that I hope it’s a girl?” Niall said laughing at his son’s answer.

“I have no idea.” You said.  

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