Chapter 6: The date

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“Yah, we wanted to see a different country. So far it’s been different from the U.S.” You say as Savannah brings you a pb&j sandwich.

“What part of America are you from?” Liam asked.

“I’m from (Your hometown).” You say.

“Wow! I think we have been there or went through there. There was a little coffee shop that had the best pumpkin spice cookies.” Commented Zayn.

“Yah I worked there for a few weeks out of the summer last year. May, the owner, loves making amazing snicker doodles along with her holiday special of mint chocolate chip cookies.” You said.

“Stop, you’re making me hungry.” Niall laughed.

“You are always hungry Niall!” Louis laughed along with Niall.

 You guys talked for a few hours and they invited you and Savannah to dinner. You showered and changed into something nice. Savannah helped you with your hair and you did the same for her. You both walk down to the lobby to see Harry and Niall waiting. They looked amazing in their suits.

“Well good evening ladies.” Harry flashed his smile at you and Savannah. Niall just looked at you.

“Hey! Where are Liam, Zayn, and Louis?” Savannah asked.

“Liam wasn’t feeling good, Louis was video chatting his girlfriend, and Zayn had a date with Perrie.” Niall said.

“Ok, well if it’s just us then let’s get going.” You say breaking from yours and Niall’s starring contest.

 You guys are escorted to a car that was taking you to the restaurant. You saw Paul and the fangirl inside you was trying to break free. Savannah was the one keeping you from freaking out. You and Savannah watch the scenery pass by as you zoomed into the city.

“London is so beautiful at night.” Savannah sighed.

 Harry smiled over at her. You hoped he wasn’t falling for her. Her boyfriend would have a fit if that happened.

“You should see it around Christmas. Everything is decorated and its sooo beautiful.” Niall looked at you a little too long and then at Savannah. You blushed and hoped Niall wouldn’t notice.

 When you guys finally pulled up to the place, you were blinded by all the cameras. At first you were scared but Niall took your hand and led you out into the sea of flashing light.

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