Chapter 19: Heart break hotel!

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Niall and Liam were impressed by your little performance making Savannah go and hide in the bathroom until they left. Niall wanted to show the other boys the song before he showed management.

“Hey, I’m going to a bar afterwards and I wanted to know if you wanted to come?” Niall said in a smooth voice.

“Sorry, I don’t drink.” He gave you a pouting face and you continued, “If my parents saw me, they would pull out on the trip; forcing us to come home early. You go ahead though. I don’t want you to stop because of me.”

Niall had sighed and was about to say something when Liam pulled him away, taking the song with them, and headed for the shoot which they would be late to.

You pulled Savannah out of the bathroom and told her that you wanted to go somewhere. You wanted out of the hotel room and Savannah did too. You two decided to go to an art gallery because Savannah loved art.

“Wow, look at the technique they used in this one!” Savannah was about two inches from the painting and was studying it closely. You walked over and saw nothing but swirls and color. It was beautiful but you didn’t understand what it was. You looked at the name of it and wondered why they called it The Dance of the Flamingos. There were reds and pinks of course but there were greens and blues and purples swirled as well.

“It’s very……..swirly, Savannah.” You said, not knowing what to say about it.

Savannah looked over to you and rolled her eyes. She knew you weren’t into art as much as her. You were more into music. After the art gallery, you and Savannah went to get dinner and were swamped by paparazzi again. You knew Savannah was getting fed up with it and to be honest you were too.

“(Y/N) Are you and Niall a couple? How long have you known each other?” One said pushing a chair right up to the table.

“Um, I’m sorry to say this but I can’t answer your question right now because I want to finish my meal before it gets cold. Sorry, no further comment.” You had seen people say that on TV and they would stop asking questions.

“I just want to know. I won’t say anything to anyone else.” He promised.

“Hey, buddy. My friend said to go away so go away. If you want to know anything, ask Niall. Now shoo!” Savannah glared at him and he got up grumbling to himself about how mean Americans could be.

How mean could Americans be? Now that wasn’t fair! They were coming up to you and interrupting you and they had the nerve to call you mean? What was the world coming to?

After you finished dinner, you and Savannah high-tailed it to the hotel. Some fans were still there but the rain that had been coming down had driven most of them back to their homes. Once you stepped out of the taxi, they were all screaming your name. You smiled over at them and waved. A little girl, who looked to be about 7, was tugging on her older sister’s hand. Finally she just let go and swooped under the barriers that held them away. She ran up to you and smiled brightly.

“Did you and Niall go out on a date?” Her voice was clear and soft. You bent down to her height and smiled.

“Niall and I went to dinner yes, but I can’t say much. Can you promise to not say anything?” She nodded fiercely. “Now go back to your family ok?” She smiled and ran back to her sister.

You and Savannah walked inside and went to your room to dry off. You had left your phone in the room and when you got back, you saw you missed Niall’s call. You instantly called him back but he didn’t answer.

You called him one more time and a female voice picked up.

“Hello?” She slurred her words.

“Hi, is Niall there?” You asked as your thoughts started to race. You told yourself to calm down and listen to the person on the other end.

“Yesssss, he’s making out with someone.” She held onto the s. Your heart dropped into your stomach and you felt your stomach go up into your throat. You cleared your throat and asked:

“Can you tell him to……” You paused. What did you want him to do? You didn’t want to talk to him and you didn’t want to let go. “Just let him know that I called and give him back his phone.”

“Yessss mmma’aaaammmm.” She slurred and hung up.

You felt your insides twist and your heart shatter. “They’re all the same.” You whispered. You walked into one of the spare bedrooms and locked yourself in. Savannah asked what happened but you just stayed quiet and tried not to sob.

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