Chapter 15: Princess

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“You look amazing!” Niall breathed. You smiled and looked up at him.

“You two ready over there or should we leave you here instead?” Chance laughed.

“I don’t know, that’s sounding pretty good to me right now.” Niall said without taking his eyes off of you, making you blush.

“Come on you two!” Savannah pulled you down the hall as the two boys followed behind. Once down in the lobby you saw Perrie and Zayn, Eleanor and Louis, Liam and Kelssey, and Harry and a girl you assume was Harry’s crush.

“Her name is Alora. She’s very sweet and really funny.” Niall whispered into your ear. You smiled at him and went to say hello.

“Hey, you’re Alora, right.” You asked, admiring her red strapless dress.

“Yah and you’re (y/n). Harry has told me a lot about you and your friend Savannah.” She was really sweet.

“I love your dress. It’s definitely your color.” You smiled at her.

“Oh thank you. I just love how it hugs my middle.” She laughed with embarrassment.

“It suits you well.” You reassured her.

“I love how your dress fades into a different color. It’s quite cool.”

“Hey guys, the cars are here.” Zayn announced. Harry took Alora’s hand and escorted her to the first car, while Niall, Chance, and Liam escorted you, Savannah, and Kelssey to the second car. Louis, Eleanor, Zayn, and Perrie were already in the first car.

You looked over at Kelssey’s green dress and loved how it matched her perfectly. You were all silent for the first two minutes but then Chance decided to start a conversation with Liam. Niall took the chance to whisper things to you.

“This is my first date not being single with the lads.” You looked over at him and he smiled. “I like the idea of having you here with me. Don’t ever leave.” His whispers tickled your neck.

“I can’t stay forever Niall.” You whispered sadly. “I go back to the US at the end of the summer.”

“Then let’s make these moments last forever.” He whispered back. You smiled at this.

Liam started laughing and Chance was too. At first you thought it was about you but it was about a joke Chance had told.

The cars pulled up to the restaurant and you saw the flashing start as Zayn, Louis, and Harry along with their dates got out and started walking to the door. You weren’t use to the attention and you shrunk back from it. Niall smiled over at you and took your hand in his.

“Breathe and follow me. Don’t look at them, but don’t look down. Act like they aren’t there.” He advised you with a smile. You nodded and followed him out of the car. You smiled and watched the back of his head as he led you to the doors. Once inside, you realized that you were holding your breath.

“Wow! Does that get any easier?” You asked.

“Sometimes when you aren’t paying attention, but most of the time you know it’s there.” Niall said with a sigh.

Dinner moved quickly as you got to know Alora and Kelssey better. After dinner Harry pulled Alora away to be alone with her. Zayn went to Perrie’s place, Louis went to Eleanor’s, Liam took Kelssey to a small ice cream shop for dessert, and Chance wanted to be with Savannah before he left for the airport. You and Niall were left alone.

Niall wanted to take you to a special place so for the last few minutes of your drive to the destination; Niall had you close your eyes. When he let you open them you saw that you were at a fountain. It was a gorgeous fountain. You were apparently in a park somewhere.

“Niall this is so beautiful!” You breathed. Niall wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close.

“It doesn’t compare to you, princess.” He kissed your cheek and looked at the falling water cascading down the little statues.

“You just called me princess.” You said under your breath. Niall heard you and gave you a worried look.

“For the past few years, I have been dreaming that you would call me your princess. And now it finally came true.” You beamed at him.           

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