Chapter 23: Pool fun!

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(A/N): SURPRISE!!!! I got a snow day so I wrote you all this! Hope you enjoy!!!! -Storywriter19

“Hey, you ok?” You asked as soon as you two were in the elevator.

“Yup, just fine.” She said in a short tone.

“This trip is about us and I haven’t been a good friend. I’m sorry.” You said knowing exactly why she was mad.

“I know you’ve wanted this for a long time, but this whole summer you have ignored me and it hurts.”

“I know how you feel.” You said looking down. Memories of you, her, and Chance replayed in your head. Whenever he was around she ignored you. It always hurt but you knew she didn’t mean it.

“What do you mean?” Not quite understanding what you meant.

“Nothing, let’s have a girls day tomorrow. We need one of those.” You said. Savannah just looked at her reflection in the doors as you zoomed down to the lobby.

You guys found a good place to put your stuff and got into the hot tub. Niall came down shortly after that, wearing blue swim trunks with white waves at the bottom. You couldn’t help looking up at his bare chest. He was so cute! You got out of the hot tub and walked over to him. Savannah stayed in the hot tub, deep in thought.

That’s when you felt Niall pick you up. He wasn’t! He ran and jumped into the pool with you in his arms. A shriek escaped before you two were swallowed up by water. The pool water felt icy on your skin. That’s one thing that is the hardest; jumping into a pool after being in the hot tub.

You surfaced after organizing your train of thoughts. You swiped your hair out of your face and glared at Niall. He was laughing and swam over to the latter. You swam over to him and pulled him off the latter. You dunked him under the water a few times before swimming to the shallow end. The people who were in there before you were leaving; laughing on the way out.

Niall swam up to you as you sat on the steps. His blonde hair was messy and you noticed the evil grin on his face.

“What?” you said as he grabbed you and pulled you under the water again. He let you go and swam to the surface. You followed and gasped when you broke through the water.

“Pay back sucks!” Niall said laughing.

“You started it. Just for all of that no kisses for you!” You took in a big breath of air and went under again. You were the type of person who could see under water so you saw Niall come under. He gave you a begging face and you caved. You two kissed under water. It was short due to the lack of air but it was magical.

After a bit of playing around with Niall, you two got out of the pool and sat in your seats. Your stomach growled loudly and Niall got up to go get food for you. Savannah came over from the hot tub and sat by you.

“I know what you meant earlier. I haven’t been a good friend either. All the times I was with Chance, I had ignored you and now that you have Niall…” She trailed off.

“Savannah, it’s both our faults. And it’s ok. We both want time with our loved ones. Just think of it as being even now.” You both laughed as Niall brought back snacks from the vending machine for you and Savannah and himself.

After nibbling on your snacks, you and savannah decided to put your feet in the water. Niall just jumped full force into the pool. You and Savannah laughed as you watched him swim around in the pool like a fish. He was such a child sometimes.

“I really love him Savannah.” You said.

“I can see that.” She let out a small laugh.

“No, I mean I REALLY love him. I don’t know how I’m going to go back to America” you whispered as Niall came up for air and then went back down. You smiled at your goofy boyfriend.

“(Y/N), I can’t tell you what to do. If you love him don’t let him go. But if you decide that, make sure you talk to your mom and dad. You haven’t even told them about being with Niall yet.” It was true. When you talked to your mom or dad on the phone, you never mentioned Niall. You knew they had an idea from all the pictures in magazines, but you hadn’t confirmed it.

“I just can’t leave him. Not without knowing things were going to stay together you know. He starts up the Europe part of the tour next month.” You felt sad. After the concert that was coming up soon he would be too busy to continue the relationship.

“Cheer up! I see the way he looks at you. It’s like amazement, joy, love all mixed as one.” Niall grabbed your hand all of a sudden and pulled you down into the pool. You shrieked as you hit the water and thrashed around. You nailed Niall somewhere and he instantly let go. You resurfaced as Niall pulled himself out. You saw where you got him and you cover your mouth. You had nailed him in the groin. He took deep breaths trying to wait out the pain.

“I am so sorry babe!” You said trying not to laugh. Savannah was already dying from laughter.

“Yah, yuck it up miss pervert.” Niall’s voice was strained and high pitched. You lost in them and burst out laughing as well. Niall shook his head and cleared his throat.

“I really am sorry.” You said after finishing your laughing fit. “Are you ok?” You finally asked.

“I think I’ll still be able to have kids, so we’re all good.”

Savannah burst out laughing again and you pulled her into the water.

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