Chapter 21: Truly, Madly, Deeply!

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You hugged him tight because you didn’t want him to leave your side.

“I’m so sorry Niall. I should have trusted and listened to you.” You said into his neck. He held you closer and kissed your cheek.

“I never should have allowed myself to get that drunk. It’s my fault.” He paused and pulled back. “I have to show you something.” The rain was now coming down lightly. He took your hand and lead you to a gazebo that was decorated in beautiful flowers the colors were dazzling and with the little lights hung around it and the fresh rain droplets, it looked like the flowers were sparkling.

Niall picked up a guitar and started to play a song. You recognized it and smiled widely at him.

“Am I asleep am I awake or somewhere in between?” He played the song. A smile crept across his lips and you couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with him.

“Truly, madly, deeply I am foolishly, completely falling and somehow you kicked all my walls in so baby, say you’ll always keep me truly madly, crazy, deeply in love with you.”

You loved this song and would listen to it on repeat all the time. When he finished, you walked up to him and kissed him. You felt his smile grow and he picked you up, running out into the pouring rain. He wanted to kiss you in the rain.

Kissing in the rain was something you saw in the movies and never really understood until now. You don’t know how long you were there but when you shivered you knew it was a pretty long time. You and Niall went back under the gazebo and talked and laughed and just simply enjoyed each other’s presence.

You felt so happy with him next to you. You looked over and he had his eyes closed. That’s when the thought crept into your mind. What were you going to do when summer ended? You had about two and a half weeks left of the vacation and you couldn’t believe how fast it was going.

How would you be able to leave him? You had to think of something to keep close to him. You thought about going to college here in the UK but you would miss your friends and family.

But you were an adult now and you had to choose for yourself. No one could choose for you. Out of country learning would look good on any résumé. You tried to think of the schools that were around this area.

“What cha thinking about?” You looked over to see Niall’s eyes still closed.

“Schools.” You admitted.

“Schools?” Niall opened one eye and then closed it.

“Yah, just thinking about the future.” You didn’t want to ruin this little moment with your worry.

“The future is a clean slate. It’s just waiting for someone to paint it.” Niall took a deep breath and looked over at you.

“Wow that was deep Mr. Horan.” You giggled. He smiled and got up.

“Let’s go to the pool. This time don’t swim to the bottom.” He laughed and you realized that you hadn’t been to the pool in forever. You took his hand and hoisted yourself up.

As you two walked back hand in hand, the rain slowly stopped and you noticed reporters and paparazzi slowly coming out of shops where they took cover from the rain.

“NIALL!! (Y/N)!!!!! Are you two dating? How long have you been together?” The same man who took a seat next to you and Savannah at the café was asking the same questions. Niall just ignored him and kept walking.

“(Y/N), are you two dating? Please, it’s the worlds right to know!” Niall pulled you closer and walked faster. You kept your mouth shut and tried to keep up. You two finally reach the hotel and the big security guard, which you found out was named Peter, stepped up and stopped the paparazzi from entering the hotel.

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