A Mixed Day

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Chapter 13


*Kayla's POV*

As we were all in the limbo, I got a text from Gabby and my aunt. I wonder what's going on... I opened up my phone to see the messages, and I clicked on my aunt's message first it read:

Be at my house before 10:00. I got a surprise for you.

And then I opened the one from Gabby, it said:

I heard your going on tour with the MAGCON boys! Aren't you excited?!! And text me ASAP!

Yupp, I wonder what the surprise was... I really do. I hope I get to see Gabby soon. I haven't talked to her in a while.

After a little bit, we arrived at MAGCON. And yes I was right, we were late again. Aha XD oh well.

We were doing sound check and setting up everything before everything started. We finished an hour early, so we all decided to make vines and just mess around for a little bit. Soon, it was time, the last day of the San Francisco Magcon... NOOOO! It's all going by too fast! Well I got another month with Taylor down here, so that's a good thing.

I got to meet all of my fans today, and it was awesome, there was no hate at all! We re-acted some vines that we thought were the most funniest. We probably looked so hilarious! Lol. I had a lot of fun today! Magcon ended just in time 9:00. That was good bc I needed to be @ my aunt's house before 10:00. So, I headed to Taylor's room, and helped him pack. I'm going to get a ride from Taylor anyways, so I had to wait for him.

We were done packing at around 9:45, and Taylor took me to my aunt's house. Shawn, Nash, Matt, Taylor, and I were all inside Taylor's car. We were driving and I showed Taylor which one is my aunt's house and he parked in the driveway. And what a coincidence, Shawn's friends house was right next door. And all of the boys were staying there. Oh my gosh, I am soooo glad that they weren't staying far apart from me!

Taylor walked me to my door, and helped me with my bags. I rang the doorbell to my aunt's huge house. And to my surprise I was on time. About 30 seconds later, my aunt opened the door. I hugged her said,"Oh my gosh! Hiii, I missed you soo much!!" Then she said,"Hi!! You've gotten so big!" Then she turned to Taylor and said,"And you must be the wonderful Taylor, Kayla always talks about." They shook hands, and I could see that Taylor was blushing. Awe, he looked so cute! Aha XD.

As me and Taylor walked inside the house, we went inside the living room to see a huge surprise! OMG GABBY WAS HERE!! I dropped my bag on Taylor's foot and I could hear an 'ouch' from him. I laughed and ran to hug Gabby.. It's only been about 5 days or so, but I missed her so fricken much! We both started jumping up and down screaming. After a little while she turned to Taylor, and said,"You must be Taylor, the guy Kayla has been crushing on for years." I started blushing, and so did Taylor. Lol. They shook hands and we all walked upstairs to my room I was staying in.

I was sharing a hugeee room with Gabby. We had a bunk bed that was sooo big! I loved this house! I was seriously about to get lost. My aunt lived In like a mansion, with a ton of stories! Taylor and Gabby helped me unpack my things, and got settled. After about a good 30 minutes with Taylor, he had to leave to go to Shawn's house.

I decided to help Taylor unpack, since he helped me. I took Gabby along with me so she could meet the rest of the boys. I introduced her to everyone, and once she saw Jack J. she lit up. She must have some liking for him... Oooooo, gabby got a crushhh.. Well I was happy for her no matter what. I let Gabby stay downstairs and hang out with the boys for a little bit, while me and Taylor unpack upstairs.

I helped Taylor unpack for about 20 minutes, and we headed downstairs. Me and Gabby decided to spend the night with at Shawn's friends house bc we wanted to have a little fun with everyone. All of the boys had met some girls at magcon and invited them over. After 10 minutes of talking, all of the girls they met had rang the doorbell. They all had a sense of style and they were very pretty. There was Giana, Shawn's girlfriend. Then, Aiza, Cameron's girlfriend. Then, Jorden, Carter's girlfriend. Then, Taylor (Tay) Jack G.'s girlfriend. Then, Michelle, Nash's girlfriend. Then, Tayler, Matt's girlfriend. Then, Sam, Aaron's girlfriend.

We all decided to watch a movie, and of course Matt had to chose another scary movie. I insisted on watching this movie, I started yelling at Matt, "GOD DAMN YOU MATT! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO PICK A GOD DAMN SCARY MOVIE!!?!" They all started laughing at me, but oh well, I was part of their entertainment. Aha XD. Matt picked 'Paranormal Activity 4' Ugh. I am gonna hate this night.

Throughout the movie everyone was cuddled up with their 'partner'. And Gabby and Jack J. we're cuddling. OMG ARE THEY A COUPLE?!! Oooo. They make such a cute couple...


Sorry guys I haven't been updating!! I've been waiting for everyone's girlfriend, but I finally got all of them, except for Jack J. so I decided to do Jack and Gabby... Oooo.. So who ships them two?

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