Surprise & Taco Bell

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Chapter 16


*Kayla's POV*

I went to Shawn's friends house to go find Taylor. He wasnt there. So I went into the living room to find someone at least, and then I found Shawn. "Hey, there's a note on the table for you. It's from Taylor." Shawn said to me, motioning me to go over there. "Thanks." I said with a smile.

I went into the kitchen to find a note that Taylor left me. It said:

Follow the path of roses to the orchard. I have a surprise for you. :) Love you babe.


Taylor :)

I wonder what the surprise is. I went back to the living room, and headed out the patio door, to go to the orchard. It was dark outside already. The stars lite up the sky, it was beautiful. It reminded me of the day that Taylor took me out the park.

I followed the path of roses. It was scary out here, all alone. I walked for about 2 minutes, and I finally came to a stop at a hugeee treehouse. On that tree I found pictures of me and Taylor, from the day we face timed, and from the day we went to magcon. and then the pictures we took from the mall. Around the tree were rise petals everyone, then I saw a note:

Look up.

~Taylor :) ~

I looked up to find Taylor in the tree house. He motioned me to go up the tree house, so I climbed up the long ladder, and I got inside. It was really nice and big in there, I loved it.

I turned around to find Taylor in there, and I gave him a huge hug. "I love you Taylor." I said to him. "I love you too babe." Taylor said to me, then leaned down and kissed me. "I can't believe you did this for me. You don't know how much it means to me." I said to him, while smiling. "But I do babe. I can see it in your eyes. It's filled with happiness." Taylor said. "You know what I don't get? Is how people can see the hurt in my eyes, or if they can see happiness in my eyes. I mean I don't know how everyone can tell." I said really confused. "Well, Babe, I just examine your beautiful eyes. I can tell when your upset, and when your happy. You have the most beautiful eyes, and I love to gaze into them." Taylor said kissing my cheek.

Taylor was a sweet one. I mean I better keep him for a Veryy long time. I just hope we can work things out after we go our seperate was next month.

Taylor had a picnic set up inside the tree house. We ate sandwhiches, and we just talked. We got to know even more about each other, and honestly we had sooo much in common.

After eating, and talking too much, we got out of the tree house, and looked at the stars. It was amazingly beautiful. There were no city lights, or anything! So the stars just lite up the whole entire sky, with it's beautifulness.

By the time me and Taylor arrived back home, it was 10:00. I decided to text gabby to let her know I'm sleeping over with Taylor. I guess she's on her way back from her date with Jack J. She said she's gonna stay the night with me.

None of the guys girlfriends were over, so most of them were just up in their rooms probably on their phones. Since no one is doing anything right now, I thought maybe we should go out tonight? I'm mean why not? There's nothing else to do.

I told Taylor about it, and he said it would be good, because then I get to know more about these guys that I've have such a huge crush on! So I got in a group convo with all of the guys including gabby and me. They're all on their phones anyways, so why should I walk my little ass up there anyways? 😂

I texted everyone, and they all came running downstairs. We decided to go to the Taco Bell that me and Taylor went to before we left to go to magcon. The one where I realized Taylor was the one. :)

I rode inside a car with Taylor, Aaron, Nash, Shawn, and myself! I can't wait to go look inside Taco Bell, and let the memories flow through my mind again.

We arrived at Taco Bell 5 minutes later, and everyone got there before us. We all decided to order a bunch of chulupas, cuz that was honestly our favorites :)

We talked about ourselves, and we got to know soo much about each other. I was glad that I could make some more friends. I mean, I never thought I would ever meet these dudes. It honestly all feels like a dream. But as everyone says, dreams come true. I just hope my dream of being Taylor's forever is gonna be true. "A girl can dream for a million years."


OMG!! Thank you guys sooo much for 1.1K readers!! I'm like freaking out!! So, I had this idea of maybe making a Fanfiction of Gabby and Jack J? But I don't know if any of you guys want to be interested and read it.. So if you guys think that's a good idea, comment and vote :)

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