Chapter two: A glance at the past

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Narrated Abu As-Sawar Al-Adawi: 'Imran bin Husain said, "The Prophet (SAW) said, 'Haya' does not bring anything except good." [Bukhari :: Book 8 :: Volume 73 :: Hadith 138] 

Chapter two:
A glance at the past

Rima stared at the beauty of the trees arranged in a mesmerizing pattern and there and then her thoughts travelled to the past. She was a fun loving girl who was never scared of anything. One day her fate changed when she met him. Iqbal, who was her fellow student in the university.

At first she was very shy of his presence but as soon as they were divided into study groups, she landed into the same group with him. She avoided his gaze and always looked at her steps because as a muslimah she was aware of the importance of lowering one's gaze.

Iqbal was a quiet guy with few words but he was some how very wise. Iqbal was an Indian by citizenship and he was in Syria due to the scholarship offered by the university. The two of them hardly collided with each other although they were from the same group.

They were always running from each other but fate always made the bump into each other at the most awkward times and gradually Rima started liking this fella.


After four years of hard work, tears, miserable failures, failed projects and determination the students owned their degrees and both Rima and Iqbal had passed in first class honours. The Chancellor hosted a party for the students and of course Rima could never miss it.

The party was a beautiful one and everyone maintained their etiquette :boys never mingled with the girls. Once the party was done everyone had left for their homes while Rima waited outside for their chauffeur to pick her.

It was almost ten at night and her father would scold her bitterly. Her phone rang and she picked it instantly,"Madame.. The car has broken down, am really sorry I cannot come" the chauffeur said in a heavy Arabic accent. "Well, its okay. I can come by myself after all am a big girl, you don't worry," Rima assured him.

It was getting windy and very cold. Poor Rima was walking as she read ayatul kursy, she was often scared of the dark and that's when her mind always reminded her of the jin stories she shared with her cousins. Suddenly she heard the hooting of a car. At first she thought it was a cab but the disappointment on her face was clearly stating that the hooting wasn't from a cab. She clicked her tongue in annoyance and kicked a bottle on the dusty street.

"Do you mind me dropping you off?"
A familiar voice spoke. It was him again.

Rima was not well conversant with him but she accepted the offer and he drove her home.

"Shukran, Jazakallahu kheyr, you saved my night"she said with a radiant smile which made Iqbal utter a humble respond and off they drove towards her home. She fidgeted her hands trying to remain cool and not seem a frightened person.

As soon as they reached her home, she waved goodbye, alighted from the car and quickened her pace to open her door.

Unknowingly she had left her purse in his car. Iqbal never knew that until the next morning he fetched his keys to drive to the supermarket and he saw her purse. At first he was totally confused as he had forgotten last night's incident. He searched through the purse and found Rima's passport and luckily it was her birthday.

After buying yellow tulips for the birthday girl he drove to her place to deliver the forgotten purse. As he knocked the door his heart started playing a game he never knew about. Rima opened the door and greeted him warmly. Her blue hijab matched with her skirt and she looked very pretty.

"Waaleikum salam, this is your purse and happy birthday" Iqbal answered her salaam. She smiled at the sweet gesture of his. He was a nice person she thought. She received the flowers and after thanking him for her purse, she closed the door behind him going to her room with one big smile.

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