Chapter 32: facing the reality

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Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. 2:286

Chapter 32:
facing the reality

Feelings are like temperatures. Attraction is warm, Curiosity is warmer, Anger is boiling. Hate can torch, but it can also freeze. Love... Well, that's a temperature best left under neutral.

Looking at herself at the reflection of water,Rima tossed in a stone. The disturbance on the still water created some ripples big and small. She could metaphorically compare her life with the still water. She had no tears left for such a callous person. Her life was now hers. Not any football match where who scores most wins the game. The past was gone and there was no chance she would dare to step in it for another round of immeasurable torture.

Wasim was more of a pain and all memories that reminded her of him excavated the deeply buried wounds to her real world. She had suffered. Crying was out of questions as her pillow was the only witness to the tale of her tattered heart when he seemed to enjoy life without her. He was happy without her which stung her soul since she waited for Karma's action but it seemed that karma left the unsettled scores back at the field.

The bipping of her phone pulled her back to the real world. She looked at it and a private number appeared on the phone with a message on it.

I know I have wronged you. I am your culprit but don't I deserve another chance to have you with me? Your so called husband will never love you like the way I do. I have kept you safe in my heart for this long. I guess I'm not worthy of your forgiveness but the beauty of Islam is about forgiving your loved ones.

Yours and only yours Wasim.

She looked at the message and only one thought came playing in her mind. Blocking him!! But after a spilt of a second she read the message and felt the urge to ignore him to what eternity felt like. He was her damn good for nothing past. She wanted to disclose the matter with Naila,but remembering that her sister was pregnant she took no chance in adding pressure in her life.

Thinking of Iqbal,their relationship was still new and she felt it hard to talk about it to him. She loved him but this issue was just too much for their journey which had just kicked off. She walked in her house checking on the stew which was left to cook on the gas cooker. She seemed lost in a train of memories and ended up burning her hand. The painful sensation had its way to her heart. She swallowed a hard gulp and her heart felt as if it was under a track. Heavy and weary ready to flatten and die. She looked at the sleeping Jamal. She had done a lot of sacrifices and this time she backed off. There was no way she'd leave her love for an apathetic person like him. She had done enough and now it was time to live her life without any hesitation.

The ticking and tocking of the clock made so many rounds that she never realised that Iqbal was back at home. She opened the door to welcome him. She had a fading smile and lines of worry plastered on her face.

He kissed her cheek and held her warmly in his arms. She tried to get rid of the tension on her face and blew him a smile on his face.

He was too good to know the smile behind her stressed look. They walked into the house hand in hand. She felt secure just by his touch and the warmth of his presence elevated her deep sunken heart.

She never felt so much stressed and even the finals never squeezed her senses the way she was today. She sat to dine with him playing with the fork and plate.

"Ahem!!! What's so breathtaking that's stealing my wife from me when I am around?" He grinned cheesily hinting at her lost face.

She gave him a blank look and busied herself with serving him. He noticed her burnt have and pulled her to him. "Show me. Your burnt and still have the audacity to put a strong look on your face and serve me? Today I am feeding you." He instructed with raised eyebrows. He dragged the chair near him and made her sit beside him.

He fed her so affectionately a morsel after another. They ate so calmly until she started the topic.

"He's back!" She blurted out the truth. She narrated the entire incident to him and put her hand on him,"do you trust me?" She asked her eyes watery.

"More than myself," he answered cupping her face.

She smiled blinking back the tears. She loved the way his eyes sparkled with the love in his eyes. The beating of his heart felt like she was dancing to it and feeling light she came into his warm embrace. Their hearts were beating in unison. She tightened the grip on him and whispered to him,"Together we shall face the world."

She placed her hands on the cold covers of the bed ready to sleep. However today was a day worth a write. She watched him sleep peacefully on the bed. She walked to the small table which faced the window. It was raining outside and the moon was no where to be seen.

When life seems too tough don't give in to the troubles. Life is lived only once. It's not a fairy tale where you lose a shoe and find a Prince neither a mermaid who loses her voice for the sake of a prince. It's a mystery of unending troubled but once you muster the guts and face the trouble with someone in your hand,life becomes worth the fight. It's a struggle and only the fittest survive. Some things are left upon Allah and others are ours to handle,that's why we are beings granted the free will.

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