Chapter Three : The acceptance

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Say: "O 'Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Quran)

Chapter three:
The acceptance.

Amira opened the door to their house to welcome the visitors. She wore a radiant smile and her eyes shone with hope,happiness and warmth.

"Welcome,welcome to my house. Feel free," she said warmly to her visitors. She rushed to her husband and told him of the visitors, "Abu Rima, get up. We have some visitors," she said excitedly.

Hassan got up from his arm chair dropping his cigar, he put on his spectacles and went to welcome the visitors who seemed to excite his old wife. After the shaking of hands and hugging with each other the visitors introduced themselves.

"Sayyid Hassan my name is Junaid Al Hadi and this is my son Suhail and here is my better half Fadya. We have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage" the old man said clearly.

Amira who was too excited to understand what was happening rushed to share the news with her daughter.

"Brace yourself.. People have come for your hand in marriage. Hayaty its high time you move on from your past and let yourself enjoy your future. You are young, beautiful and an entire life is waiting for you. I have always wished the best for you. But before you make any decision think of baby Jamal. He deserves a father who will give all comforts in this world. Don't you think that it will be unfair of you to deny him that chance? My daughter please think wisely because fortune knocks rarely at your door," she concluded as tears rolled down her face and hugged her daughter.

"Fine mamma, I will consider this proposal and let you know my decision once I meet the man who proposed."Rima said coldly.

Hassan together with his guests had waited eagerly for Rima's arrival. She walked in shyly and her eyes were rooted to the ground. She said her salaam and sat opposite Suhail. Junaid and his wife seemed to exchange glances as if they were conversing through their eyes. Fadya was exploring the house through her eyes and smiling to herself in contentment.

"We are waiting for your response my dearest," her father said calmly.

"Baba, I would like to let this man know that I am a divorcee with a six month old baby. I am ready to answer all his questions but he should be ready to accept my son. If that is fine with him then I am ready to proceed with this proposal." Rima said as she looked at her father with respect and humility.

"I have no objection at all. In fact I am happy that you are honest and don't want any compromise in this bond." The guy spoke with an affirmative voice.

Suhail accepted her offer and she was contented with it. The two families hugged and the joy was quite visible in Rima's family.

The proposal was accepted and the engagement was fixed two weeks later. Rima walked silently to her room. She offered a two rakaa prayer and started reading Surat Yusuf.

She reached the verse that said "I only complain of my sorrow and grief to Allah," she started crying upon reaching that verse and closed the holy mus'haf. She sat by the balcony and stared at the clouds. Soon she landed into her memories and her painful past.

She remembered the day Iqbal had wished her a happy birthday and returned her lost purse. The yellow tulips spoke words to her which none heard except her heart. That was so sweet of him wishing her and she was very happy because; one, it was her birthday and two, it was a day to see her father's grand gift for her because she had passed her graduation very well.

Her father gifted her a car and she was very happy .Her life was very simple. She used to laugh,smile and be a very jolly person. Her life was quite nice with the arrival of Iqbal it developed other descriptions and had other definitions.

The nostalgia hit her hard. She was always sacrificing part of her existence to the men around her life. And now it wasn't new to her, she was willing to marry only for the sake of the her son. She wasn't ready to be a burden on her family.

It was only known to her, how much she felt pain in her heart in the past one year. She felt so heavy in her heart and as if her tears would sooth the sore wounds of her heart, she let them flow from her eyes as she rested her head brushing the ugly past with a forced smile on her lips.

She was a strong lady, she wasn't afraid of loneliness anymore, what she was afraid of now was happiness because every time it visited her, it left her in a complete abyss due to its temporary stay.

She knew happiness as a strange word in her life and the way it left her shattered, she never wished for it again. She was always engulfed in a sea of buried emotions, unfinished heartache and sometimes she used to brush all these thoughts with hope that one day all this sorrow will be temporary too.

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