Chapter 16:Tangled

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Al-Bara' bin 'Azib (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: A man was reciting Surat Al-Kahf, and a horse was tied with two ropes beside him. As he was reciting, a cloud overshadowed him, and as it began to come nearer and nearer, the horse began to trample voilently. The man came to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) in the morning and mentioned the incident to him. He (ﷺ) said, "That was tranquillity which descended as a result of the recitation of the Qur'an."

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Chapter 16:

"Subhanallah! That dream almost killed me. I was so terrified." Rima talked to herself as she was combing her hair the following morning. Since the nightmare almost consumed her entire being,she vowed not to go back to bed. She felt as if it would haunt her to death. She kept on tasbih until the sun dawned on her.

Taking a yellow scarf from her closet,she tied it on her head and went for breakfast. It was ten days ago when she reported to her work place. Her project was almost over and it needed final touchups.

"Assalam aleikum." She greeted the people seated on the dining table. She sat down her eyes avoiding him. She remembered that she had blocked him from her instagram but there again he was. Exactly sitting opposite her. She drank her coffee sipping it carefully maintaining a distance from him. How she wished if she had her way to block him from her life. She was starting to loathe him since hate was a small word she could use to define the feeling that she had for him.

"Baba, am heading for the office. See you later. And ummy you need to take Ilyas to the doctor. He was coughing loudly throughout the night. Maasalaam" she got from the table and kissed her father's hand.

"Rima,where do you work?" Assad asked looking at Hassan's face. She turned around and as sweet as she was she told him the address giving him a warm smile.

"I am going that side too, do you mind us going together?" Wasim dropped his request.

She looked at her watch and made a crying face inside her but the nice side of her gave in to him since her father would not spare her before she left and obviously she would get late for work due to the long lecture her dad would give her. More so, she wouldn't allow herself get late for work. Punctuality was a virtue she never left no matter what happened to her.

"Hope in, I will drive you." She said dryly. He smirked and brushed his hair with his hands.

She started the engine and and the determined her used all the shortcuts she knew avoiding spending time with him. He was busy eyeing her through the side mirror and smiling like an idiot,he patted his shoulder.

She wanted to remove his head from the neck and throw it in the streets. It was such a discomfort. She let the wind brush off her cheeks and accelerating her speed,she looked at the buildings. Burning rage hissed through her body like deathly poison,screeching a demanded release in the form of unwanted violence. It was like a volcano erupting; fury sweeping off her like ferocious waves. The wrath consumed like,engulfing her moralities and destroying her peace of mind. She quickly took refuge from the evil Satan and listening to Qur'an from her phone through the earphones, she was lost in the tranquility that swept off the anger in her.

The screeching brakes were a sign that he would alight from her car. She reached the building premise masking a face of joy and putting on her warm smile she walked to her cabin. She looked at the files piled on the table,putting her hands on her head she sighed heavily. There was a lot of pending work. She was early enough and most of the colleagues had not arrived. She tacked in the tufts of hair which seemed to act playful with her hijab. She started on her work with determination and by the time the people added life to the silenced walls of the company,she was almost done with most of her work. It had been two hours of work with no break. Her project was completed and a genuine smile played on her face. She walked to Iqbal's cabin and dropped off the project. He was happy to see the project completed. He smiled back at her and congratulated her on her hard work. She looked happy and contented.

The office hours were over. She looked at her watch and it was six in the evening. Shouldering her handbag,she left the cabin heading home. She looked tired and worn out. She didn't want to have another encounter with wasim. She drove her car quickly reading some verses of the holy Qur'an. Suddenly her phone rang. It was Naila. She longed to hear her voice,listen to her chatter and laugh at her complains. She put the phone on a hands free mode and they started their banter. Naila sounded happy. Sajid was making her happy.

"You don't know how much I am indebted to you. Sajid is the definition of fulfilled dreams and you are my life saver. My Messiah. I love you dearie." She added.

"Will you stop thanking me for what destiny kept in store for you? I did nothing except what was expected of me. My regards to the groom. And Darling for you am ready to do anything a thousand times again." She hang up since she spotted some traffic officer. It was red on the traffic lights. She stopped and waited for the signal to proceed.

She saw a blind woman on the road who seemed eager to cross the road. There was no one to help her out and distress was written on her face. Before Rima went to help her out,a hand gripped the old lady's wrist and helped her cross the road. To her surprise it was WASIM.

She was surprised to see the Wasim who she knew help people. She never expected that of him. She felt happy for the lady and drove off leaving behind a cloud of dust. Her mind was full of questions. A maze etched on her heart, she was lost in solving it after praying her maghrib prayer. She sat looking at the moon. The moon seemed to be her best friend nowadays since she always spoke to the moon and poured her heart out to the heavenly body.

It was a night full of maybes, doubts and possibilities playing inside her.

Maybe he's not as bad as he seems to be. He has some goodness in him,maybe more than the evil.
She thought in her head. She was landing in a land of confusions. She was confused. A mixture of emotions swirled in her heart when she thought of her promise. Maybe another chance would do. She thought cracking her brain.

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