Chapter 28: Two hearts,one destination

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"And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquillity with them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts: verily in that are signs for those who reflect." (Surah Al Rum 30:21)

Chapter 28:
Two hearts,one destination

"Congratulations dude! Hearty wishes man! And today I hope you will be on time for the engagement. Am so happy for you. May you be the coolness of each other's eye." Sajid said as he talked to Iqbal through the phone. He looked at Naila after hanging up and held her hand,"guess what!" He said hugging her tight.

"Rima said yes!!" Naila said jumping up and down like a crazy teenager. Suddenly she fell on his arms and he gripped her waist flashing her a smile. "Don't worry I will always be there to catch you."

She blushed away smiling at him. He held her chin and kissed her forehead. "My Jannah mate! I fell before and luckily I landed on your heart,"she said with a wink. They locked each other in an embrace gazing at aquarium in the drawing room.

"Sajid,well we are going to be parents in shaa Allah. I hope this time all goes on well,"she said as she broke from his embrace.

He held her hand and put his arm around her waist,"I love you despite all those incidents and if it's destined for us to be parents then it will be ours. Don't worry hayaty! Allah is Al -Razzaq the giver and the provider of all."

She looked at him and he wiped off the tears from her eyes. "This doesn't suit my wife. She was made to smile only. What a bad husband am I!! I made my wifey cry!" He said smacking his hand on his head dramatically.

She flashed a smile and kissed his cheek. She was lucky to have a man like him who always valued her and her happiness became his priority.

"Now that's like my wife! Yeeyyy" he chuckled.


The people sat in the drawing room with Iqbal dressed so nicely and Sajid beside him,Ilyas and Kauthar who was super excited for what was happening. The fashionista lady,Amira was really happy for all what happening. Hassan was in Rima's room addressing his daughter.

"I am so sorry for being the reason behind your misery. I am a bad father! I shouldn't have made the decision which destroyed your life. I am the root of all your problems. I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive this miserable man." He said folding his hands as tears rolled down his cheeks wetting his grey beard.

She held his hands and wiped his tears,"Baba,there's nothing wrong you did. Besides you always wished good for me. I don't hold any grudge against you. You are my super hero! The best man in my life. Now cheer up." She said kissing his forehead.

"I hope I didn't force you in this major step of your life. Was that your decision or are you under some pressure dear?" He inquired.

"Rest be assured baba. I prayed istikhara and alhamdulillah am getting good vibes from it. He's my decision,not a choice" she smiled as she wrapped his hand in hers.

"Alhamdulillah for what is and what was. Let's go downstairs." Naila said breaking the father and daughter from their talk.

They all had a triple giant hug,Hassan excused himself and went to see his guests.

"Anha,my pretty sis and now it's going to be my sis in law. Aww that thought is too much for me to wait until it becomes a reality. And in shaa Allah you are becoming an aunt soon. Mention me in your prayers." Naila said hugging her. She held her hand and placed it between her hands.

"Life is giving you another chance,Allah loves you. Despite of what happened He gave you this second chance to relive your life the way He planned it to be. Grab the chance. Am sure you will be happy with Iqbal,the dude can't believe if this is an illusion or a reality." Naila said as she fixed the hijab on Rima's head.

"Alhamdulillah for giving me so nice people around me. You are a pearl and Allah will always keep you happy. May Allah keep you safe from all evil eyes and protect your family"Rima said.

"Okay enough of this sentimental talks. Let's go downstairs. Mr righteous is waiting for his ms. Religious." Nilu said winking as they held each other's hands walking downstairs.

It was a feeling of déjà vu making Nilu go back to the day her engagement was held. She smiled at Sajid while his eyes shone with hearts as he saw his soulmate walk towards him.

Baby Jamal was in his granny's arms all cool as if he was the one who getting the two engaged. He blew bubbles as he tried to talk.

Rima's eyes were fixed to the ground as the butterflies in her stomach never ceased to stop playing. She sat on the couch all nervous and and her heart was too excited today. It was throbbing all wild and the adrenaline levels were too high causing more violent kicks by her heart.

"Iqbal,I am handing you the most previous jewel in my world. It may be a bit scratched but its all strong and beautiful. It can shine your house and make you the luckiest man on earth." Hassan said as he put his arm around his daughter.

"I promise you uncle that I will she'll be my queen and I will be her shade under the scorching sun and as for Jamal,he's already my own from the day I held him in my arms. I accept her the way she is and I will never be the reason for her tears." He promised as they shook hands and a radiant glow lit on his face.

Kauthar took a nice simple chain and put around Rima's neck it had initials of both of them with a heart in the middle. "Thanks aunty it's a beautiful chain. Jazakillah."she said as she took a glance at the chain.

Amira handed Hassan an awesome Rolex watch which he tied around Iqbal's heart.
The two of them looked so nervous yet the happiness in them was literally obvious on their faces.

She stole a glance and set her eyes on him and she found him looking at her already. She gazed away and a red tinge raised on her face. She smiled as the palpitations of her heart grew stronger.

The journey of two hearts had started with one destination. It was a matter of time and what Allah had planned for you. However these two hearts had endured a lot in life and their union was just but one of the small tokens life started giving them.


Have a blessed weekend dearies. Enjoy reading

And VOTEEE!!!!!
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