Chapter 36: some endings can be beautiful too

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And when your Lord proclaimed: "If you give thanks, I will grant you increase; but if you are ungrateful, My punishment is severe( 14:7)

Chapter 36:
Some endings can be beautiful too.


Time flew very fast. Hours changing into days and the days turned to months. Eight months had passed as they treaded in different seasons and embraced all storms together. Their bond was unbreakable and their love had grown so deep. From painting the town red to attending the weekly checkups together and the sweet dates.

"My lovely teddy bear. Let's go for a walk. You need it." Iqbal said pulling a shawl from the closet.

"Dear hubby have mercy on me. These kids of yours are killing my insides." She gave out a chuckle.

"Dawlin. Dada. Walk" Jamal squealed bringing his shoes as he wrapped his hands on Iqbal's fingers. He used to call his mom "Darling" since that was how Iqbal used to call out Rima's name.

"See even the little champ wants to walk. Elephant!! Let's go"Iqbal whined.

"Okay. Get my abaya. And my chocolate box." She said in a defeated tone.

Walking down the park,the threesome gang stopped by an ice cream stall. "You see life's like an ice cream. So yummy yet so short lived." Rima said as she licked the ice cream.

"And you are my cone. The same way life's too short like an ice cream you are the cone that holds it up. My Darling." Iqbal said kissing her cheek.

"Dawling!" Jamal said clapping his hands in excitement.

"Your influence. Ugh. Now he calls me darling. Next only Allah knows what he's gonna say." She dramatically complained.

Iqbal pinched Jamal's cheeks handing him the ice cream.

"Ugh!Ugh! I think it's time." Rima screamed.

"You have grown so lazy! It's not time we still need to walk a few steps then we will think of going back home." Iqbal replied smacking his hand on his forehead.

"You dummy! I think my water broke!" She screamed.

"It's time?" He asked confused.

"Ughh! Does it need an invitation card!" She shouted.

Iqbal ran for his car making her sit on the seats with Jamal fanning her with his small hands.

"Your mamma's gonna be a double mom. In shaa Allah in moments to come you are going to get a brother or a sister!" Iqbal said smiling.

"Yeyy!" Jamal squealed.

"Fools! First help me reach the hospital!" Rima screamed as sweat trickled down her neck.

They reached the hospital in a neck bending speed leaving smokey clouds behind.

The nurses helped her in while she was crying out loud. The labour pains were truly in action. When the labour began the pain was more intense than anything Rima had ever imagined. Nothing could be more brutal, not whips or chains. The room was only the bed and four walls, her helpers melting into the background as if they weren't even there. Is there anything more isolating than intense pain?

Just after informing the entire house hold,Iqbal began praying silently in his heart.
"Make it easy for her Allah."

Kauthar reached in a spur of a moment followed by Rima's parents. They looked tensed. Everybody was busy praying silently as the hands of the clock made loud irritating tocking and ticking. Every second that passed was flaming up the tension built amongst the four adults.

It was seven thirty in the evening as the obstetrics doctor came out of the room. He had a warm smile on his face.

"Congratulations. You are a dad of two. May Allah increase your joy." He said removing his white coat.
"What about Rima?" The husband inquired.

"She's well. Just a moment of weakness but with time she will be okay." The doctor assured him.

The family entered the room with faces brimming with happiness. "Alhamdulillah!" Hassan exclaimed.

She lay on bed weak but her smile always made it visible that she was a fighter. She smiled at them and turned her head to see the babies. "Our small little family has grown." She said.

Iqbal carried the twins in his hands as tears escaped his eyes. He was an emotional guy but the feeling of having your kid in your hands has its own magic. The joy was incredible. She had given birth to a baby girl and a baby boy.

He kissed them and high fived Jamal.
"man!you are a brother of two." He said as the kid hugged him wrapping his small hands around his shoulders.

Newborn cries filled the room and the father bursts into tears of relief and joy. He turned his glossy eyes to his wife and in a voice that's almost broken he tells her they have a beautiful twins. Through her exhaustion she smiles, and she lets her eyes leave his face to take in the baby that is being brought to like on her bare skin. In that moment they begin to cry the sweetest tears she's ever known, all the pain of moments before melting away. They're only minutes old and the tiny girl begins to root, mouth wide, her instincts strong.

The entire family starts laughing as the young one starts crying. "She got the powerful lungs from her grand dad!" Rima chuckled. The tiny boy wrapped his pink hands around Iqbal's finger making him smile widely.

That was it. They had their journey from the dark shadows which cracked to let light in. They had grown from thorns but now their picture was depicted as a rose. Whoever sees the rose must respect the thorns. And whatever is seen as a perfect picture had to undergo several transformations. From wounds to scars and miseries to memories. That's life,Beautiful and warmly only known to those who had endured the cold when no one stands beside you.

Alhamdulillah we've come to the end of this book. It was great having you beautiful people supporting me with your votes. Am glad and very happy today. This journey doesn't end here because just after Ramadhan I will start a new book. Keep in touch. Till then stay blessed folks.

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