Chapter 24: Stuck in emotions

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A big shout out to one of the best poets I have come across..give her a try and am sure she's gonna make you smile with her poems :Aillurophilee

"And we tested them with good (blessings) and evil (calamities) in order that they might turn back."Al-Qur'an 7:168

Chapter 24:
Stuck in emotions

The sight of her dad in bed with an oxygen mask on his face and the sound of the life supporting machine worsened her condition. Streams of tears washed her worried face and it was visible enough that his condition was too way bad. She ran to her mom engulfing her in a tight embrace.
"What's wrong mamma? What did the doctor say? Will baba be OK?"she questioned her already worried mom.

Amira looked at her daughter and patted on her back giving her a ray of assurance when hope seemed to die in her. "All will be well habibty,your dad is really critical. Anything can happen. Don't lose hope. Have faith in Allah. He's the healer and right now what we should do is pray for him." Her mom said.

She looked at her dad through the glass window and a tear cascaded down her cheek. She was too weak at the moment. A lot had happened in one day and it seemed to sweep the entire web of happiness she'd started to weave with her fragile prayers.

The mighty,famous and rich Hassan lay in bed as helpless as a baby. Suddenly the doctor in charge broke the entire family from the spell of grief. "The surgery was successfully done. The patient has lost a lot of blood and we have to make sure we get blood as soon as possible to ensure that he starts the healing process. That's why I summoned the entire family here. He's too weak and at the moment,we need an O negative donor at the moment." He said looking at his watch.

The people stared at each other in confusion. Both Amira and her daughter had A negative and Naila was AB negative,Sajid was B positive and Kauthar,Iqbal's mom was as A negative. They all looked at Iqbal with despair.
"Please tell me you are O negative,please" Rima said. A small smile curved on his lips and looking at Amira,he announced glad tidings and the entire family was awe stricken.

He quickly moved to the blood taking unit and it was quite a fast procedure. His blood was screened and gladly it was of use. He was given a soft drink and some glucose biscuits to boost the low blood count in his body. Just thirty minutes after he'd donated,the doctors used the blood and it was now a relieving fact that Hassan would survive. Rima looked at Iqbal smiling long after so much tears and now she had to thank him. She walked towards him and uttered "am really thankful to you. You saved my dad and it was the most important task to me. Thank you so much. Jazakallah. May Allah bless you with so much happiness"

Now what's wrong with this lady? He thought in his head. "Waantum Rima,I haven't done anything great. Please I just helped Sajid's family. And since you are part of it am grateful that I was able to be of some help in these testing times." He said walking away.

"Great. Isn't it? She's now praying for my happiness when she knows that she's holding the key to its door" he mumbled to himself. He sat outside the hospital folding up his sleeve observing the vehicles move to and from the hospital road.

He looked disturbed. Sajid sat beside him,trying to talk to him. The two were very close starting their way from childhood to adulthood. "Sometimes you should stop pinning for the impossible to happen. Looking back doesn't benefit you at any cost. It stings your present and spoils your everyday. Maybe our Union isn't possible on earth." He said softly keeping his voice low.

"You should not stop hoping. Remember, we always hope and pray and Allah gives the best to us. Sometimes the heart is too weak to accept certain facts but make sure you put your trust in Allah. Your dreams might just be a combination of worldly desires,when you turn to Allah he will guide you to the best path. Brother,you should try to give yourself time. Time is the healer of the deepest wounds" Sajid said.

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