Chapter 29: Ties that bind

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...He who created you from one soul and created from it its mate that he might dwell in security with her (li-yaskuna ilaiha)...[Qur'an,7:189]

Chapter 29:
Ties that bind

The wedding was scheduled a week after the engagement since both families didn't want to delay the auspicious act. Four days had passed and the happiness in Iqbal and Rima's homes was so infectious. Happy faces,smiles,hearty wishes and lots of love were in the air. The two families had planned for a small wedding and to keep it simple it was to be held in Hassan's home. The bricks of Hassan's house felt more warm than ever and it was just enough to call it a home.

A few guests here and there and lots undone preparations had busied both families that each second passed felt so precious.

"Beta,the day of your dreams is right here,she's gonna be your wife,treat her well. She might be unable to adjust into our family just make her comfortable and be hers in all ways possible. Your language shouldn't be a barrier. Love knows no language since it follows one principle and that's actions speak louder than words,"Kauthar spoke to her only son.

"Ammi worry not. She'll be my queen and half of my seen and I promise to fill her empty lifeless life with happiness and joy." He replied with assurance.

Back in the Hassan mansion the preparations were all set and everyone else was busy with the final touch ups. Looking at the mirror was Rima with her hands in henna. She looked at herself keenly forever his. She thought. The term 'forever' sounded so cute and if she were to express the way it sounded so romantic to her then words would fail.

She looked at her wedding dress and a smiled found its way on her lips. She raised her eyebrows and started talking to herself.

All the way to Mrs.Iqbal not bad Ree,Am proud of you.

She was used to the way he called her name and his voice the way it projected,it was magical. She couldn't believe that fate had conspired so well to glue them together. Their names were written beside each other eons ago and now sweet was the fruit of patience. She'd waited and endured so much in her life that it became too obvious to her when life showed up its monster side.

She picked up the dress as if dancing with it,she held its sleeves and played in the entire room like a teenage girl. She was overwhelmed with happiness. It felt like the sky had come nearer and there was a song in the blowing wind. The clouds looked like white petals and the ambience was too lovely to live in.


The masjid was packed to capacity. The kadhi and imam of the masjid were both present during the nikaah ceremony. The masjid looked prettier than usual. It was not like it had decorations or something but the way the ambience was so serene and warmly it had a different experience all together with how people were smiling at one another.

Iqbal sat opposite his to be father in law as it was supposed to be. The kadhi started the ceremony soon after a beautiful recitation from the imam.

"Do you Mr. Iqbal take Rima daughter of Hassan to be your lawfully wedded wife by abiding to all rules set by Allah and treat her well with utmost care?" He asked sternly.

"Alhamdulillah I do and I promise to love her and be her keeper for as long as Allah planned it for both of us," he answered with assertiveness.

Rima's dad hugged him and takbir from the men's side was heard in all corners. Meanwhile,Sajid was busy showing his wife the live video through his phone. Rima was all red and the smile on her lips never faded away.

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