Chapter 13: part of mine.

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Among the people there is one who worships Allah right on the edge. If good befalls him, he is content with it, but if a trial befalls him, he reverts to his former ways, losing both the dunya and the akhira. That is indeed sheer loss. (Surat Al-Hajj, 11)

Chapter 13:
part of mine

Sometimes life becomes a series of miseries. Unending torture. But once you get a grip on yourself even the burning ambers in your heart will turn to coolness in your heart. All you need is patience because Allah never lets you down in your testing times. He says Call upon me,I will respond to you. Why would I grief when I have such a loving God .Why cry when I know that He is testing me. Its going to be tough but am stronger. There's a hurricane inside me but I will survive it. All will be well. I believe.

She stared at the stars outside her room. Gazed how beautiful the moon was she sipped coffee from her cup. It was nine at night. The ambience so nice. Her entire family all under one roof but she felt something amiss. She looked at the young couples outside the house who were holding hands while marvelling at the beauty of the stars and the gorgeous moon. She smiled.

After pouring her heart out in her blue diary, she felt light. As if she removed a certain burden from her chest. It was a nice evening to most of the people present in their house. It was now a house not a home because a home was made by threads that are bonded by love while a house was just but made of bricks.

"C'mon its a beautiful evening, let's kick it girl."one of her many cousins said as she grabbed her hand."Take it easy Hawaa you will just break my bones I think." She said dramatically laughing at her cousin's gesture. As they went down through the stairs, her eyes landed on her father. He was hugging some bigwig dude who was almost her father's age. "Assad,my childhood buddy,let us celebrate this evening with great pomp. Its been ages since we had such a get together." He said as he patted his back.

It was the so called Assad. Rima thought to herself. She greeted the two men and rushed to meet the rest of the people who were playing a dumb charade.

The bride was kept on the stage her hands in henna and some girls dancing in front of her. Naila hated it. Especially when they commented that she chose an 'Indian' over their men. It was as if she had made a grave sin. She was angry but she couldn't vent it on people who knew nothing about the importance of equality.

She believed mankind was just but a single race Why would people despise one another in terms of  tribalism and whatever ropes that held their hearts from the teachings of the holy Qur'an.

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