Chapter 21: Hold on

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Abdullah ibn Mas’ud reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “You must be truthful. Verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man continues to be truthful and encourages honesty until he is recorded with Allah as truthful. And beware of falsehood. Verily, falsehood leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Hellfire. A man continues tell lies and encourages falsehood until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5743, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2607

Chapter 21: Hold on

She sat on her bed totally confused. There was a lot of pending work. Her paternal aunts had to be attended to,all her relatives had to be welcomed heartily and of course her mom the fashionista,would never let her go with a simple attire on her.

It was her engagement day. She looked totally tired. Naila was also coming from Jeddah with her husband for the wedding since they failed to attend her previous wedding. She was very nervous. The relatives seemed busy in pointing out the mistakes in her and she could not help but just avoid them all. Jamal was sleeping soundly beside her. She was doing all this for her son.

"Khalaa am telling you,this is the best dress. Besides it will suit you," Rima begged with one of her aunts after the closet battle. The engagement was hours to go and as usual the drama in her house was killing her. The aunts wanted to look drop dead gorgeous as if it was some huge function in some palace.

Rima got dressed in a pink floral dress with a matching hijab. She looked pretty and simple. The knock on the door sent panic attacks on her neck and she felt sudden reactions in her stomach. Such were her reactions especially when she was doing something she feared,mostly tackling the biology exams during her highschool days. The memories were still fresh in her mind.

She peeped through the window of her room and to her amazement it wasn't Suhail and his family. It was Naila,her husband and Ilyas. Ilyas was now five. He had grown up and she knew that he would never remember her. She did not wait to welcome her beloved sister and rushed down the stair cases to welcome them by herself. She opened the door with a grand smile on her face. She squealed like a teenage girl and engulfed Naila in a warm embrace. It was long before these two trouble makers met.

"Will you let me in or should we start our talk right here?" Naila asked breaking from her embrace. She was very happy too. Rima bent to hug the naughty Ilyas who was heels over head wanting to greet her. She kissed his cheek and carried him in her arms.
"Ree,long time no see. I missed you terribly,you know?" He asked putting his arms around her neck.
"Oops,no its not Ree its Rima. Am sorry he said smacking his forehead dramatically with his palm. All of them laughed. Just before she could close the door,her eyes landed on a familiar figure. The same hazel eyes and the mischievous look on his face. It was Iqbal.  

She felt butterflies rummaging through her stomach and a sudden smile grew on her lips. It was so long before she saw him.

"Assalam Aleikum,mabrouk Rima,"he said forcing a smile on his face. He wasn't much happy on seeing her today. Again destiny was snatching her away from him.

He did not see her for so long but she was always present in his duas. She was always there whenever he looked at Ilyas and he bubbled the name he adored most,'Ree'.
She felt happy on seeing him just like the way a wanderer finds his home after a long tiresome journey with so many obstacles in his path.
"Waaleikum salaam,Allah yubarik"she answered ushering them in.

The happiness was so contagious that all people were wearing smiles except for one face,Iqbal. He was burning inside and a flame of jealousy burnt his heart. He did not want to come but thanks to Sajid who forced him to do this heartbreaking task,he made his presence where he always ran away from. He sat away from the squeals,laughters,and the congratulations that pierced his heart to bits that ached painfully.

"Welcome home,Suhail my son." He heard Hassan speak. He felt his world go upside down. His life was on a rollercoaster with no safety belt and he knew it would suffocate him to witness such an incident in his life. Still he bit his lower lip and put on a cold face ready to face the new tragedy in his life.

His eyes landed on the to be groom and a train of memories crushed his reality. He called Sajid aside and just to be sure of himself he asked him,"You remember those fraudsters,the gang of the mother,father and son who tricked people and robbed their money just before the wedding? The ones who are being hunted for. I got the copy of newspaper that has that story. I will show you once I reach home."

"Mmh,yeah. I heard of that story when one of my friend's sister was robbed. She experienced the same but unfortunately I don't remember those hideous faces. Or just let me ask Fahima to send me the image through what's up. We will confirm every detail once we reach home. This is a grave matter and we should not take any hasty childish decision." Sajid said patting his shoulder.

Just after sending Fahima the text,the phone bipped. An image was sent. It was the same family which was dressed decently and looked nice. Thanks to the perfect timing or else someone's fate would have burnt and the other's heart would have been crushed.

"It's him right? No way this engagement is taking place. I will put an end to this charade they are fooling the people with." Iqbal said his face shining with happiness.

Before Sajid could say a word, he ran to the living room and just blurted one word." Hold on!!"


   Peace be upon you dear readers.

Its a new twist. Hold your breaths much more to come :D

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