Chapter 8: When words fail you

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Dedicated to :Swaz_A_S

And remember that most definitely Allah brings ease with the hardship. “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.” ( Qur’an 93: 5-6)

Chapter 8:
When words fail you.

It was three weeks after Naila's graduation ceremony and she was a set to help the needy who did not have enough money to get the required necessities of life. Health facilities were basic needs and it was very sad that most people in Syria suffered due to the civil wars and the clutches of the reckless inhumane people who murdered the young innocent people in the name of jihad.

The entire country was in chaos and most of the civilians endured the torture silently because it was of no use standing against the cruel men who turned jihad, a sacred obligation to a joke that most of the non Muslims misunderstood under the name of jihad. They laughed and made muslims a typical poor joke which made each Muslim grow bitter about the non Muslims.

Islam was a peaceful religion which advocated for just,equality and love.
These monsters made lives of the poor muslim a living hell with no exit to it.

Naila vowed to help every being without any discrimination since she knew the feeling of losing loved ones.

"Let him lie on the stretcher,nurse hurry up with the oxygen mask. Yallah guys we need to work on this"she said as she hurriedly assisted the injured boy into the ward.

The surgery took long and it was not pleasing to see what the people were getting. She looked at the injured boy who slept innocently under the influence of the injections. He had an innocent look which made Naila get attached to him. He was around two years with no family or friends around him. She stroke his hair and walked out of the ward with a heavy heart.

Seconds grew to minutes minutes changed to hours and soon the boy regained his consciousness.

"Baby where's your mommy?"she asked.
He looked at her in the eyes and started talking in an Arabic accent.
"Mamma,mamma they took mamma away .I pweeded them. But now mamma has gone up" he pointed to the ceiling with tears in his eyes.
She tried comforting him because she knew how it felt when you lose a loved one.

She was healed but the scars were still visible in her heart. She had battled her emotions but the sight of the helpless boy left her speechless. Words had failed her. Tears streaming down her cheeks she hugged him and kissed his bandaged forehead.

"Habiby..what is your name?" She asked.
"Baba calls me Ilyas and mamma calls Illi" he said putting his arms around her neck,"but you called me habiby"he kissed her cheek erasing all the grief that had engulfed her.

When she inquired about his father she was shocked to find out that he also died in the struggle to defend his family against the monster like humans who shredded humanity into tiny bits of blood and suffering.
The boy was an orphan.

An orphan.

An orphan.

An orphan who was orphaned by merciless people who called themselves humans. Many of the children suffered a great loss. The american soldiers were animals who knew nothing about peace and love. They were all under an oath to erase the existence of Iraqis.

She looked at the boy who was playing with the edge of her hijab.
She was happy that she saved a life. She wondered about the other children who died in the struggle of survival. It was as if they had no right to live.


"Baba..there's a boy who has no family and I would like to adopt him. You will like him. He is too young to survive In the harsh conditions that are happening in the cruel world." Naila pleaded.

She wanted to keep the boy with her. Hassan was  had a hardened heart but despite all that he had a soft spot for orphans. He always cared for them whether it was out of show off or getting rewards from Allah.

"OK my darling daughter you may bring him but you are the one who will be responsible for all his mischief,"he replied with a grin on his face.

She felt ecstatic and kissed his hand. Happiness showed on her face as her eyes were moistened by tears of joy.
"Thank you baba you are always full of amazing surprises,"

It had been four days since the boy was brought in Hassan's home. The silent like cemetery house was filled with life. The boy grew attached to Naila and Rima. They played with him not letting him feel the void of his dead family. Even the busy Amira who was always engrossed in her closet,fashion and make up had a new objective in her life. Ilyas was quite a charmer. He was an adorable child who spread colours of life wherever he was. He was a total sweetheart.

He had started calling Rima's mother 'mamma' which literally stole her heart and she loved the boy dearly.
The hard to please Hassan got involved with the boy and he was also held a captive by his bubbly world.

The entire house had a new member who had become the soul of the house within the few days he entered their lives.

"I met Sajid's sister today. They were looking for a girl who was supposed be his future wife. Poor Sajid. He is now between a hard place and a rock." Rima said as she groaned in a dramatic tone.
"He can marry any girl he wants. He's not a baby. Besides it's not in my concern right now. He can marry even a thousand women." Naila rolled her eyes with the reply she gave.

"So the bride to be is envious already?" Rima teased.

"What did you just say?! Hello ma'am get back to earth and stop blabbering things you are not sure of." Naila said with a serious look on her face.

"I have talked to Fahima. She knew that Sajid liked you and wanted it to be a surprise for both of you. They will come next week to discuss about the proposal with the rest. Don't get worked up about dad. I have talked to him about it and he sounded okay with it. So Mrs.Sajid to be let me know your answer although I already know your thoughts." She winked at her she patted on her shoulder.

She was left dumb stricken, again words had failed her. She could not help but turn red with a smile on her face. She liked him but never knew that he would belong to her as she had weaved her dreams in her prayers every night she prayed.
She was always under the misconception that she would never get him as he was an Indian and she was an Arab.
Her world of dreams had kicked a reality note and it was one of her best days in life.

"I agree"she said sheepishly with a smile dancing on her face.

"Let me get this memory in my sweetheart's phone gallery "Rima teased as she hurriedly took a picture of the red Naila who was drowning in a world of happiness.

So here is a new chap for all my dear readers

A new twist is going to happen.
Cmon start guessing.
It would nice to see how you will be able to predict what is going to happen.

Again please VOTEEEEEE!!!!!! 🙏


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