Chapter 31: Not any more

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The doer of good is better than the good itself, and the doer of evil is worse than the evil itself.(imaam Ali R.a)

Chapter 31:
Not any more

"I have a surprise for you." Iqbal announced.
Rima's eyes widened as she licked her dry lips to answer her husband. A month had passed since they got married. They got so well together just like best friends,it wasn't sayable that they were married for a month.

She put her hands on his shoulders,letting her eyes talk to his. "Really?" She squealed.
"Any doubts?" He hinted.
"A surprise,for me? That's romantic hubby!" She raised her eyebrows whispering to him.

"Tantara!!Our house's key! Plus a promotion!" Iqbal said as he hugged her tightly kissing her cheeks.
He had bought a house for them both but as soon as he announced it her facial expressions vanished and a sad look shadowed her face.
"What about Ammi?" She inquired.
"She's going to live as soon as Aisha delivers. She'll stay with my grand parents. Don't worry" he assured her soothingly.


The new house was really beautiful. They planned the entire house really well according to their choices and different tastes. From painting the kitchen light green to planting cacti in the pots,getting a book shelf in the drawing room and having blue wallpapers in their bedroom.

Rima selected the kitchen decor while Iqbal made some paintings and cartoons for the baby room. "My baby will sleep in a grey bed," Iqbal hinted.
Rima narrowed her eyes and huffed,"no he'll sleep in a fading blue bed!"

"No way!"
"Yes way!"

They started tiffs like children while the eight month old baby laughed in amusement. Both of them stared at him and chortled in unison.

"Chalo let's decide the color. Jamal will choose the color! He Will point to the color he wants. Is that a deal!?" Rima gestured.

She brought forth a board of colors and placed it near the baby in the pram. "Little Jamal will decide," Iqbal chuckled.

The baby pointed to the third color in the column which was white. The two parents laughed bursting their lungs out realising that their choices weren't even considered.

"Kids nowadays!" Iqbal laughed.

"Let me serve us lunch. Besides I need to unpack the suitcases." Rima uttered softly.

"Lemme help you. It will be unjust if I let you work. You just put the plates on the table and I will take the pleasure of being your waiter today" Iqbal instructed.

She smiled at him knowing that he cared so much for her. She felt lucky to find him in her world of scattered hopes. She watched him place all dishes on the table,serve her and walk towards her with a full smile riding on his lips.
He sat beside her talking of the nice savouries both had prepared together as he was teaching her how to prepare the lentils,round round chapatis and she seemed busy teaching him the Arabic delicacies.

"You are the reason behind my smile. When I count my blessings I count you twice. My cupcake"He announced softly sending some electric vibes down her neck.

Her cheeks flamed up as a smile escaped her lips. She cupped his cheeks ready to blow him with a commitment."It will never be you or me. It's now us. Only us. No room for intruders. Our world of hopes,prayers and smiles. Together to the beginning and end of eternity."

Jamal in the pram got excited to see his parents commit to one another and started bubbling and laughing all wide.

Spreading sunrise, pinkish glow, clouds tinted, colours spread across the sky announcing the new day, oranges and reds painted across the clouds as if by a celestial hand. Biding each other goodbye was Iqbal and Rima. The Monday morning was such a lazy one and from the previous day's heavy work the two found it too much to bear to receive a Monday.

"Okay. Miss me." Rima flirted as she handed him his briefcase. He went away from her blowing her kiss getting in his car leaving behind a cloud of smoke. 

She closed the door sighing looking at the unopened  boxes. Sensing a grip on the door handle she thought it was him again and opened with a big smile but to her surprise,it was a shadow of the past. Wasim!!!

"Missing me already?" She stopped mid way her eyes almost blown out from their sockets.
For perhaps a split second her joy was suspended, the surprise protecting her until it shattered like glass. I guess you could call it shock, but to me they're they're the same thing for the first fraction of a second -an inability to compute.

"You?!" She yelled.

"Yes!me. I am back," he said opening up his arms to hug her.

She looked at him in disgust refreshing all memories of the past. How he was and the way they were. She stared at him in disbelief and shock. He couldn't be there. No way. She thought aloud.

"Am here to sort our differences. Won't you give me another chance? I am sorry. Let's be clear today baby." He stated.

She rolled her eyes at him and as eyes would kill him she squinted them as if crushing him.

"Out of my house!! Now! Before I call my husband. I said out!!!" She roared. She looked red ready to burst at him.

"Oh I see!! You didn't even wait for me?" I am your hus.." She cut him short breathing sharply.

"Listen you! Am not your wife. I was. Was and was but it should stick in your mind. Okay? Past tense,learn to use the tenses well!" She roared at him like a wounded tigress.

She shut the door at his face as if shooing him away she leaned on the door breathing heavily. It's okay to be harsh at times. All is well let him go to hell! She wondered.

She peaked through the window to ensure that he was gone. She sat on the table confused and tired. That was how her life was. At the brink of acquiring something in her life comes a storm and wipes it all away.

She looked at the cheesy pictures she took with Iqbal and a smile escaped her lips,whispering to herself,"not any more!"


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