Chapter 25: the eye opener

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The believers are those who spend in charity during ease and hardship and who restrain their anger and pardon the people, for Allah loves the doers of good.(15:85)

Chapter 25:
The eye opener

Three days had passed very well without any drama and any nuisance. Hassan was all well and he was getting discharged from the hospital. He looked weak but it was at least the best thing to happen at the moment. Rima had stayed with Iqbal's family during those testing times. The family was very nice and sweet besides they loved Rima just like their own. There was nothing like discrimination.

"Thank you so much auntie I will always remember this. Jazakillah." Rima said hugging Iqbal's mom. She was such a sweet lady after all. She left the house with her baby to the hospital. After completing all the formalities and the paper work she helped her dad into the car with the help of Sajid and Naila. They drove off to Rima's home.

"Alhamdulillah for what has happened. Dad is healing and luckily we won't be alone since Samira auntie is coming to visit us"Rima said softly.

Samira was Hassan's sister. Just after driving home Sajid went with Naila all the way to the airport to receive the lady. They took her home where Hassan was. He seemed weak and tired but his family was doing all the necessary to keep him happy. He didn't have any idea about Iqbal's help and how nice his family was.

"Beta,why don't you take a look at these pictures. These girls are very nice. And look at this one,she's a fashion designer. And she's quite conversant with engineering." Kauthar said showing Iqbal the photos.

"Ammi since all are good let me marry all of them,what do you say?" He said sternly.

"Ah beta,stop the dumb sarcasm. You always run from this topic. Am very old. I need to see my grand children. What if I don't live long?" The mother started the typical emotional blackmail.

"You just want to see grandchildren right, Aisha aapi has got Imraan and now she's pregnant. What more do you want?" He said smacking his hand on his forehead.

"I want to see you settled. End of story. This time no running away from this topic. Look at Sajid. He's happily married. Learn something from him" she said pinching his ear softly.

"Ammi grow up please. Am not marrying anytime soon. End of this chapter!" He said putting his hands on her shoulders.
"You are telling your ammi to grow up! Children nowadays, am now done with you. You don't love me at all." The mother said dramatically.

"I guess Iqbal would prefer his children to call him grandpa instead, right Iqbal?" Aisha interceded.

"Looks like today poor me is just going to get stuck between these two women. Khammy darling won't you defend me my sister?" He added.

"Ammi,take a chill pill. The beautiful ones are yet to be born," Khamisa said winking at him.

After the long marry-son-topic,the mom was too tired to convince her stubborn son. He wasn't ready to commit to any relationship.

Back in the Hassan mansion, the family was having good time with the visit of the new aunt. She was kinda nice and simple. That evening she was in Rima's room handling the baby while Rima was massaging her dad's legs. The father decided that it was the best time to let the cat out of the bag and tell Rima why he despised the Asian folks.

"Samira was really young when she was married. She'd fallen in love with an Indian fellow from the college and our parents did not want any haraam thing to occur so they had to get them married. She was really happy with that but just six months later the husband started ill treating her and she just tolerated it alone. The guy used to beat her and sometimes they used to fight terribly. All the love just vanished like that and he actually threatened to kill her. This was too much on her side and adjusting to the Indian culture wasn't her cup of tea so the two of them divorced and she's now happily married to an Algerian."

"Baba why are you telling me this?" Rima questioned him.

"Look at the way Naila is happy with Sajid. You know how that really didn't please me but am glad that she's happy. Actually this incident of my heart attack and all has become an eye opener." He sighed heavily.

"What do you actually mean?" She further asked him.

"One's identity is not joined with his tribe or community. The heart is good if the person is a good one. No tribe signifies good people. For instance,the same Qureish people who were the worst kind of people who killed their own daughters and adultery was their order of the day in the midst of them emerged our beloved prophet. Isn't that really incredible? Subhanallah. Allah knows what He did,"

Rima who was actually puzzled at the moment had no idea of what her dad was talking about. She finished massaging him and left to her room. Suddenly the doorbell rang and she went to see who it was.

"Assalaam aleikum,"he spoke softly. It was Iqbal.

"Waaleikum salaam," she answered the salutation and ushered him in.

"I came to return these clothes,they belong to your baby,and how's your dad doing?" He inquired.
Handing over the bag of tiny clothes just for a second their eyes locked for a second. It was like an eternity. She felt his eyes conversing with hers and abruptly she looked away. "Dad is doing well. Shukran for the return of these clothes. You can see him right now. Third room to the left." She directed.

How I wish I could get my heart in return. He sighed heavily. This monologue in his head knew how to get the best part of him. He walked slowly to where he was directed and met the old man. Just after the salutations,the old man seemed engrossed in deep thoughts as he looked at him. And from no where he popped in a question.
"Do you drink or smoke?"

"Never in my life," he answered dryly.

"Do you have any relationships with random girls?"

"No way!"

The old man smirked like a boss and the two chatted for a while. While he was leaving Amira came in and again she started thanking him again for donating blood to her husband. There and then Hassan's face shone with brightness and he smiled genuinely. Something was playing in his mind.

"Its OK aunty, Rima's dad is Naila's dad and that makes him to be Sajid's dad so we are all connected. It was my pleasure,"he said flashing them with a warm smile.

He made a move and away he went."wifey what do you think about him,he's such a nice guy isn't he?"

"Suddenly what's happening with you. All well?" The wife asked. She was surprised by the abrupt change in him.

"You just tell me your opinion," he shrugged.

"Um,he's a good person moreover, he's helped us a lot and he saved your life. I suppose he's really kind,"she answered him.

It was quite visible that Iqbal had entered in his good books after all the idea of saving his life was like the icing on the cake. It was a splendid moment and he was too judgemental about him. It was time to let all bitter feelings die and since his mind was planning something he couldn't be the bitter Hassan anymore. He'd forgiven the one who had wronged his sister and it was due time to accept what fate was indicating. 

So strange was the world. Once they hate you and in the next minute you become more than lovable to them.
Life wasn't less than a rollercoaster,ups and downs,ins and outs twists and turns,full of surprises,exhilarating, frightening ,cry,scream,laugh out loud,scared to come off the tracks,awesome,want to do it all again,but its one ride per person enjoy it!!!

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