Chapter 33: Together be it,always

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Whatever Allah grants to people of mercy - none can withhold it; and whatever He withholds - none can release it thereafter. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise(35:2)

Chapter 33:
Together be it, always.

Eyes that won't close. A heart that won't stop its beating. The dark space is endless in this spaceless prison. I wish to drift away into a never ending dream, but dreams are only a memory in this hell of reality. I simply wish to sleep.

Endless thoughts zoomed in and out of Rima's mind as the piercing past came to meet her present. She went through the message once again and her fingers just gave the sender his due. She blocked him. She wished he got blocked from her life and never see him again even in the wildest dreams. Some people were just too much to handle and their appearance made life have a dark shadow called trouble and so was Wasim. This guy never tested defeat.

Once the morning dawned on her,she pushed away the warm duvet,springing to the bathroom for ablution. She prayed two rakaas begging the almighty for peace in her life. Her life was nothing less than a busy road with tragic accidents. Her hopes were pinned to Allah. He was the controller of all events. When He wants good to befall you none of His creatures can hinder you from getting what you are destined for. However when bad is to befall you the same happens.

She prayed with so much devotion as tears in lines of threes and fours rolled down her cheeks. Her heart palpitated feeling uneasy and restless. She looked at her husband who was deeply asleep. It was three in the morning. When life seemed to harden on her she found her solace in prayers. Allah was who you could count on even when the entire world turns its back away from you. She knew someday her prayers would be answered since prayers are the believer's weapon.

She spent the entire night praying and sobbing until Iqbal felt coldness on the other side of his bed. He sat petrified looking for her. His eyes searched for her until when he spotted her on the prayer mat he sighed with relief.

He got up from the bed and walked towards her. He engulfed her in a warm embrace,making her feel secured in his arms. He held her hand and kissed it tenderly. She had a storm in her eyes yet when she saw him all clouds in her heart, vanished in a second.

"Will you be by my side?" She asked.

"Does one live without his heart?" He commented.

"Will always belong to me?"

"Does the body move without its shadow?" He uttered.

She held him close to her feeling his breath warming her face. He carried her the bridal style and put her on the bed. He massaged her temples and put her to sleep. She held his hand tightly and put it under her cheek.
He looked at her and drew himself closer to her.

"Two weeks have passed and alhamdulillah,all is well. I think I should do some shopping for Jamal. The baby is growing and these clothes are no longer fitting him." Rima suggested as she adjusted Iqbal's tie.

"If that's the case then babe we are going now. Nothing is more than my son's wellbeing. Get ready and hand me the pram. I will get Jamal to the car." Iqbal replied.

She smiled at him warmly getting her abaya ready to shop. There was nothing hectic than shopping especially when it was not about her. She loved it when they went shopping together. She trusted his choices besides she was one of his unique choices. He was a sweetheart and she couldn't help fall in love with him every minute their eyes met and sparkled with love.

Alighting from the car,they walked hand in hand to the store. Trying to make Jamal speak up his first words,they laughed at the baby's confused look.

"Say mamma!" Rima begged.

"No say Ree!" Iqbal chuckled.

She made a puppy face and in a second they all burst laughing. They were such a cute family and their happiness was truly infectious. Whoever passed near them smiled and greeted them with salaam.

After the tiresome shopping Iqbal carried the bags as Rima tailed behind trying to pacify the crying Jamal. Iqbal put the bags in the car humming like a cheerful bird. He had a nice small family moreover it was what made his heart beat in a rhythmic tune.

Suddenly the smile on his face vanished from as he spotted a familiar figure near   his wife. His eyes darted around the figure and an angry expression plastered on his face. His face got red and his eyes popped ready to pounce on the figure.

He walked quickly to his wife.
"Listen you loser!Stay away from her. She's mine now. Only mine. My wife. You have no room here so please the next time I will spot you near her get ready to face my wrath!" He roared.

Wasim looked at him and smirked.
"I don't care whose wife she is. I just discovered she has a child. My child. This is mine!" He huffed pointing to the crying baby.

"The last time you murdered him. I remember you telling me to abort him. You remember. Now stop throwing your weight around me. He's not yours. He will never be. Get that straight!!!" She blurted out. Sweat trickled down her forehead as her heart raced drumming and pounding heavily. She had never been so harsh all her life but she was just giving the devil his due.

"I don't need this brat you call a baby. The thing is for me to get my share of the will,dad has put forward a condition: He wants his grandson with him. And I should do that." He uttered dryly brushing his hands through his hair.

"Aha!That's more like it. And you wanted to get the child through me. At last you stopped beating the bush. I have never seen you respect anyone and your dad's case is not an exceptional one." Rima said rolling her eyes.

"It's not honourable of lions to talk to dogs." Iqbal said as he held her hand dragging her to the car.

Wasim gave them a puzzled look and walked away. Back in the car there was a deafening silence until the baby broke it.

"Mada!" He said his eyes twinkling as he curved his mouth to form a cute adorable smile. He was just special. Uttering mamma and dad together as 'mada'.

They looked at him as all seriousness vanished from their atmosphere. "How adorable. You truly are a charmer." Rima commented.

"You got your arrow on my heart champ!" Iqbal said as he pinched the baby's cheeks lightly.

They drove home all smiles as if nothing happened. That was what life was about. Ignoring the bad and living in the moment. Ignoring the bad and holding to the best moments of life. Otherwise mixing the two would make life nothing less than a tornado of miseries.

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