Chapter 19: Surprises!!!

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Divorce is twice; then either to retain in all fairness, or to release nicely. It is not lawful for you to take back anything from what you have given them, unless both apprehend that they would not be able to maintain the limits set by Allah. Now, if you apprehend that they would not maintain the limits set by Allah, then, there is no sin on them in what she gives up to secure her release. These are the limits set by Allah. Therefore, do not exceed them. Whosoever exceeds the limits set by Allah, then, those are the transgressors.(Baqara:229)

Chapter 19:

Three months had passed since her fate was sealed to his. She was trying her level best but all in vain. She tried being extra sweet. Cooking was not her thing but thanks to YouTube,wiki how and the useful internet she was a an amateur ready to win his heart either by hook or crook.

"Habiby,wake up for fajr. It's time to pray,"she called unto him patting his shoulder.

"You woman,go and pray. You seem to be so much in love with these routines. Pray!pray pray!  Am tired of you. Look I didn't marry a nun okay. If you want to start your meditation then go!" He roared at her. She looked calm. She was used to this treatment. His insults no longer made an impact on her. She was determined to have him share her praying mat no matter what happens.

She kissed his forehead and he draped his arms around her waist." Imagine the two of us walking in Jannah. And under His care,Al Rahman,the most gracious. What a sight will it be? So cmon let's pray okay dear husband" she said softly pulling his hand out of the bed.

"Am an not interested in walking with you,either here or anywhere be it hell or heaven. Get one thing straight! Don't interfere in my damn perfect life!" He shouted his lungs out with a pair of red eyes ogling at her. She wasn't scared but mad.

She walked away taking her praying mat to the living hall. She prayed and after her Qur'an recitation,she prepared breakfast for him. She walked quietly not to disturb him. He looked so innocent with his eyes closed sleeping like a king. She stared at him with love ready to serve him the morning tea with a vibrant smile on her face.

"Julie,baby,I love you" he said softly throwing kisses in the air. Now this was new. Very absurd. She was surprised to hear the foreign name the husband uttered in his sleep.

"Who's this Julie babe?" She asked herself scratching her head. She brushed off the thought by serving him his tea and off she went preparing his files,ironing his clothes. She wasn't a wife. She was a complete definition of a punching bag. She smiled at him and walked away.

She was ready to start a beautiful phase with him despite the thorns he laid at her path. She had sacrificed everything,her job,friends,even the little time she had for herself. She was ready to be his. Only his. Now more huddles appeared before her life bloomed to a beautiful rose.

Suddenly,her phone bipped. It was her mom. She stared at the screen answering the call.

"Assalaam aleikum Ummy, how's everyone at home?"she asked showing colours of concern.

"Waleikum salaam hayaty,am terribly missing you. Am tired of these kitty parties I tell you. Since Ilyas joined Naila's family our house has becoming just like a dead cemetery. Please come home with Wasim anytime soon." Her mom requested.

"Okay,lemme consider your request. I will surprise him with this idea. Take care,pass my regards to baba." She hang up laughing at her mom's request. Her mother was a complete drama queen who was always afraid of boredom. She booked the tickets online and when it was time to collect them,she went to the nearby center.

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