Chapter 4: Back in time

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And but for God's favour upon thee and His grace, some of those [who are false to themselves] would indeed endeavour to lead thee astray; yet none but themselves do they lead astray. Nor can they harm thee in any way, since God has bestowed upon thee from on high this divine writ and [given thee] wisdom, and has imparted unto thee the knowledge of what thou didst not know. And God's favour upon thee is tremendous indeed. - 4:113 

Chapter 4:
Back in time.

It was four days after her acceptance and the entire family was heel over heads to witness the engagement. Amira had already started fantasising about the big day and Hassan had informed all the relatives about Rima's engagement. The same relatives who mocked at his daughter when fate seemed to reject her.

"Habiby...don't cry mummy loves you"Rima pacified Jamal who was crying as if something bad happened to him.
Rima had found a job vacancy at some famous company which needed a qualified engineer just like her. It seemed that the job was made for her.

"Baba...there's a job vacancy at Al Farouq Companies and I would like to join. Please let me join. I want to start a fresh life free from all the grief,burden and the social reject."Rima persuaded her father.

" dearest. Do what you think is right but never let my pride drown in your presence."Her father said sternly and emphasized on "pride"

These were words the same words her father told her two years ago.


She Stood at the door amazed and perplexed at Iqbal's reaction. He was the shyest guy in the university and mostly seemed to be engrossed in his books.It was a  special day. Suddenly her thoughts were broken by her cousin sister Naila. Naila was very chirpy and full of life. Her parents had died in a plane crush and Rima's father had adopted her.

"Ahem!!The birthday girl seems to love the flowers more than her new car...something is fishy."she giggled as she shook Rima breaking her world of thoughts.
"How nice of him.."Rima said dreamily and closed her door,"and you Nilu..brace yourself.There's nothing of that sort my sister."she said with a rosy tinge on her cheeks.
"OK madam "said her chirpy cousin.

The two had planned their evening very well. Rima and Naila were supposed to meet the rest of the cousins at the famous restaurant called "Locked fingers."Rima was a fan of the Indian savouries and today all cousins would meet to celebrate her birthday in her own style.

She drove quite fast and soon the two girls reached their destination."Bismillah.."Rima's prayer was cut short by Nilu who was very excited to enter the  restaurant."Shhhh..u never know when you might land in problems u silly girl. Let me mumble my prayers before I deal with your kiddish sways" Rima grinned wickedly as started praying again.

Soon the two were in the restaurant. The cousins were merry making while Naila's eyes were filled with tears.This attracted Rima's attention and she knew that her cousin was missing her parents. She comforted her soothingly and soon a bright smile was seen on The trouble maker's face.

The teens were quite loud and suddenly Samaa one of Rima's cousins suggested that they should be playing 'spin the bottle spill the truth' a game that most of the teenagers hated at the moment. Rima was Walking together with Nilu down the hall where the cousins were playing and suddenly she spotted Iqbal.Their eyes met for a moment and for Rima that was like an eternity.

She heard her heart thunderously drumming and suddenly her face was covered by a pink tinge. She looked away but he was still gazing at her. This made her uncomfortable and thus she rushed to the Hall to join her cousins. As they were playing their eyes met for another moment and this time Rima rolled her eyes as if she was him chasing away. The evening was very beautiful but sadly it had to end.The girls hugged in a giant hug and promised to send the selfies they clicked through Whats App .

Naila drove the car and let Rima wander in her world of thoughts because she seemed too lost to drive.

"Somebody help me..I am driving a lost girl who is trapped in her world of dreamy thoughts."giggled Naila as she starred at her cousin's face.

"Excuse not lost"Rima answered coyly.
"Blah..blah..blah and there she goes again"Naila answered affirmatively.
She drove very well and quite fast this time because her uncle was very strict about their coming at home. The two were not allowed to go outside past nine.

That night his glances really disturbed her peace and for the first time Rima lost her sleep and she couldn't figure it out.She let her head rest on her pillow and soon  she was lost again in her dreamily world. But this time it was not for long  as she was drawn back by his glance again.

"What is happening to me?!Ya Allah take control of me before I get lost in some stupid thoughts" Rima silently mumbled. She used to share her room with Naila and the two were very attached to each other.
She gazed at her alarm clock and it was one A.M

She started reading

ayatul kursy  and soon she was taken over by sleep and the day was over.

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