Chapter 20: The small bundle of joy.

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Abu Hurairah narrated that The Messenger of Allah said:“The most complete of the believers in faith, is  the one with the best character among them. And the best of you are  those who are best to your women.”(tirmidhy)

Chapter 20:
The small bundle of joy.

"So you are asking for divorce? Do you know what that means? Don't make hasty decisions. Hurry hurry has no blessings. Your anger is justified. But.." Her mom tried to justify with her.

"There are no ifs or buts I don't want to know. I saw him with another woman. And that too on my BED!!!" Rima fumed. She was really angry. A week had passed and there was no news of Wasim.

"Obviously he's having his time with that Julie woman. Mom I think am going to burst out of anger. How could he?"

"But Darling, divorce is a big case. And you know how the society is" her mother tried her magic again but this time it fell on deaf ears. She was determined to set him free from her. She didn't want anything to hold her back. Her voice grew cold as they talked about that topic.

As she stood trying to walk to the garden,her head felt heavy and there was a total black out. She passed out. Upon opening her hazel eyes she was in her room,her mom beside her as lines of worry sticking on her forehead.

There was a doctor beside her and no wonder she was seeing her mom so stressed up. Amira had a phobia for doctors and injections.

"Is everything alright?"her mother asked very concerned.

"Congratulations your daughter is pregnant" The doctor answered patting her hand showing her a beautiful smile.

"Why is she smiling like that. Now that am in a complete fix comes this woman with her smile!" Rima thought.

She was pregnant. What was the world planning for her. Much had happened and now this. Trouble keeps on knocking at your door unless you open to embrace all the miseries it carried along. She was shocked but she managed to brace up herself.

"What will you do now?" Her mom asked in a confused state.

"I will let him know. I will text him and see the outcome. Otherwise my answer is still the same." She uttered placing her hand on her tummy.

She texted him and waited for his reply. This man was a devil. In fact he was just the devil himself. She waited hours after he blue ticked her text. She was patient enough to wait for him.

I am not responsible for that. I don't care if you are pregnant or not. I hate you with every breath of mine. Don't play those tricks with me. You are not the first woman am meeting on earth. You might as well abort. Goodbyes are meant to be goodbyes.-wasim


This was too much to handle. She filed the divorce through the kadhi and she was now free. Just like a bird. She believed that her child wouldn't want to know the whereabout of his so called father. She would love him so much that he would forget about his father.


"Habibty seven months have passed and its becoming so wide visible. What will you answer if you are asked about the paternity of this child? What if your child asks you about his father?" Her dad asked her.

"Short and clear. His father is DEAD!" She said with certainty in her voice. Her edda would be over once she gave birth to her child. She looked at her dad and placed her hands on his. She was tired of this battle called Wasim. He showed no interest in his child and she was no less either in ignoring the subject whenever her family started the chapter.

The family was fed up of this society that found fun in making Rims a laughing stock in gatherings and meetings. They shifted to Pakistan leaving all their memories and dreams in their homeland. Besides the bombings were too frequent and the unrest in the country was felt in all nooks and corners. It was too dangerous to stay back and wait for peace talks to settle the matters.

Just after nine months of tears,regret,pain and emotional trauma she gave birth to her child. He was her only hope. His presence was similar to the moon in the dark night. She felt blessed to have her baby with her. The feeling of motherhood erased all her worries and soothed her aching heart. She felt coolness in her heart whenever she put him on her chest.

"His name will be Jamal. Jamal a perfect name" she said smiling at her baby.

She never complained of what life threw at her. She was the epitome happiness. She never insisted on having a lavish life despite all the luxuries that were at her feet. It was a moment of happiness. The storm had swept all her happiness but now a new seedling was growing in her life. She thanked Allah for blessing her with the presence of her son. That night again she dropped her thoughts in her blue diary as usual.

When the darkness of the night engulfs you and the stars fail to shine on you remember, Allah is always watching you. He's with you in every step you make. One day every hardship will make a meaning and every tear will be rewarded something better.
I might have scratched my heart and my soul might be as well tattered but my keeper is Al -Wahhab the bestower. Things might have gone wrong somewhere where none of us knew the flaw but I still hope that one day the sun will dawn on me and all darkness will disappear from my life. Alhamdulillah for what is and what was. Have patience dear heart for all is not lost.

   Salaam dear readers have a blessed time as you read this😉

This marks the and of the flashback journey and hurray we are good to go to the present in the upcoming chap in shaa Allah.

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