Chapter 11: two sides of a coin

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"God does command you justness, goodness and liberality to the near ones and He does forbid you shameful deeds, impropriety and rebelliousness." (16:91)

Chapter 11:
two sides of a coin


I was very happy when I came back from London. The experience I had in that foreign country was just indescribable. The non Muslims ridicudled the hijabi girls and kept on asking funny questions to which our answers were not enough to quench their thirst for all what they wanted to know.

There,I came across a Muslim guy who was more of a Muslim by name because actions spoke louder than words and his actions were against the Islamic teachings. He was completely handsome with a pair of blue eyes which would mesmerize any girl he talked to. He was a complete hippie.

I clearly remember that day I came back home from London. At the airport I saw Sajid. He was someone I had fallen for like the way it's said love at first sight. He had his religion at his finger tips and I have to admit that that was one factor that pulled me towards him. I always prayed to get someone  like him but I never imagined to be with him. Deep inside my pinning heart I knew that getting him would be like having an lunar eclipse during the day. I gave up on it. I knew that these weak prayers would work no magic in my life. I never believed in fairy tales because life was more of a war than imagining a charming Prince on a white horse taking you to his palace. I had witnessed doom,war,tasted pain and drunk tears hence there was no room for all those lies about fairy tales. His presence around me gave me solace. A feeling that I never knew.

His presence had a special sparkle in my life. All that but he never showed me even an eye of care and a face of concern. He ran away from my sight. I had my own reasons to back out from the web of dreams that I had weaved with my weak prayers. The prime reason-Baba would never agree to this. He hated Indians for unknown reasons and telling him about this would just make the matter worse. He detested them passionately but I never came across the reason he had.

I met Ilyas at the hospital. He gave me a new lease of life because his smile would mean that despite all worries of life one has to smile and embrace all the troubles with a smile so that even dying would be an easy experience. He was a complete charmer. I liked him. When I took him with me,he transformed the house to a home that we all wished to have all those years.

Abrupt news!!!Sajid was sending a proposal to me. I could never believe it. It was impossible. I was ecstatic,shocked,happy and perplexed. At last I become one of his decisions. I became his choice. Someone he wanted to spend his life with. He chose me to be his life partner. What could be better than that. However I was more shocked to find out that baba had agreed.

At that day he came with his family for engagement I witnessed the love Iqbal had for Rima. Perhaps she was too engrossed in her own world to notice his love but even the blind would just know that these two liked each other. The day went on really well. I was engaged to Sajid. I was happy with the situation more so baba was okay with him. But there was a hidden secret.

A mystery behind his smile because the baba I knew would never agree to that.
However that evening all my doubts were cleared. Father and daughter had made a deal. A great deal that none of them bothered to think twice. On one hand there was Rima who was sacrificing her life to give me all the happiness in the world.On the other hand was her dad who was toying with her destiny because his ego was more important to him.

I was going to see baba in his studyroom for the evening tea. Accidentally I heard their conversation. The seriousness of the matter was such that I could not help but listen to their conversation. She agreed to marry the man her dad chose for her because he had promised his best friend that their children would give their friendship a new twist.

I never doubted dad's choice but Rima had her life to lead. She had her dreams to follow but she blindedly followed his terms because she had trusted him. He made her sign a contract that he would be the one who would suggest the spouse for her.I was hurt. Which father on earth would do that to his own daughter. His only daughter. The world was full of secrets and what I had seen was just too much for my eyes.

I dashed to my room with tears streaming my eyes. I cherished Rima but I never wanted the cost of my dreams to be her life and future. I kept on pondering on ways to help her but I couldn't. One of the terms of their contract was that they would never discuss all that with anyone. She chose to burn herself to illuminate my dark dead life.

There were many things that smiles would hide. Her smile hid her bleeding heart and on the other hand,it hid his cruel self. There was nothing greater than prayers I could offer her. There were always two sides of a coin however this was the darker side which remained unveiled to the rest who knew nothing about it.


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