Chapter 5: A drama overdose

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And (God says:) “We have enjoined upon man goodness towards his parents: his mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his utter dependence on her lasted two years: (hence, O man,) be grateful towards Me and towards thy parents, (and remember that) with Me is all journey’s end.

Chapter 5:
A drama overdose.

Four days after the birthday,Nilu had to go to London to continue her studies. She was studying medicine. She only came to Iraq to spend her holidays with Rima and her family.

"Stay please. This loneliness will kill me. Nilu my sister please," Rima cried and pleaded with her cousin as they hugged at the airport. The two girls were attached to each other since Naila was brought to their family when Rima was hardly six, the tragic accident that occurred had taken with it Naila's parents and a tender age the girl became orphaned.

It was due to Amira's insistence that Naila was brought to the family.
Her love for Naila never lessened because one, she could never conceive and two, she was always seeking blessings from the noble act of housing and taking care of an orphan because she was always following the footsteps of our beloved prophet and she strictly adhered to the Islamic rules.

"My daughter,mommy is going to miss you. As soon as you reach London just give a call. And don't over stress yourself. Have your meals in time. Work hard read smart and don't forget to offer your prayers with at most punctuality. Love you my daughter,"Amira concluded as she wiped her tears and hugged her niece. Leave it to mothers to start lecturing you with advice as you leave her . "Don't do this..don't do that..don't don't" this is what technically our mothers say as we depart. Their melodrama was justified because the feeling of a beloved leaving pricks the heart and one feels as if their world has come to an end. One feels as if time has stopped.

The family left the airport and Hassan drove his family to their Mansion.

A week after Naila's departure Rima found a Job at Al-ulaa group of companies as an electrical chief  engineer in the company. As she headed to her cabin,her eyes spotted the same guy who gifted her the yellow tulips and she found her eyes meeting with his and there and then she looked away and walked gracefully her eyes rooted to the ground. "What is he doing here?"her mind asked,

"Silly girl,that is none of your business"she assured her mind as something was thundering in her heart as if it wanted to jump out of her body,it was her heart. "Stop you want to embarrass me on my first day at work?"she asked her heart as if she was conversing with another being in her cabin. She looked at the next cabin which was opposite hers and it had a name plate 'Iqbal Feisal-director'

She was shocked after reading that name plate and she swallowed the gulp down her throat and accepted the fact that he was her senior.
Hours flew and soon it was time to head home to rest and Rima did not delay that and she hurriedly headed to the parking lot to fetch her car and make her way to where her day would be completed-her home.

She was left astonished as she spotted no car at the parking lot. She was dramatic but at the moment she could not help it. She started crying and sobbing as she sat at the bench next to the parking lot. Her eyes were deep red and her face was very pale. If you were a fan of vampires you would easily make a mistake of identifying her as one. She bit her lips as she looked at her watch.

Her father would be home soon and if she was not there then,the house would turn to a madhouse and her father would kill her. Their mansion was very far from the company and she had no idea where her car was. She knew that day hell would break loose. She looked at her phone and as if that was nothing her phone decided to go off because she did not recharge it for a while.

Suddenly she heard a car's hooting and there again it was him offering her a lift to her home. "Assalam Aleikum..mmh ..can I help you?" He asked showing a lot of concern. She lifted her head to reply but it seems she terrified the poor guy with her looks." Hey its you again. What's up Ree?"

She did not give him a chance to shoot more questions at her."Hey there's no way you can call me that am Rima Hassan and my car is missing!!!" She screamed as she buried her face in her palms.

"I can offer you a ride till then I will make sure you get your car,as my brother in law is the owner of this company. Don't worry Allah will make all fall into place"those words soothed her and she accepted his offer and sat in the car.

He offered her some tissues to wipe her tears. He even lent her his phone to explain to her melodramatic mom whatever happened to her."Ummy* enough OK stop this drama. Am alright and explain that to Baba if he comes home before me. Ummy stop crying and am hanging up OK .Love you maassalaam  ummy."she hanged up and returned the phone to its owner.

He seemed to smile at her conversation and when she returned his phone he felt something strange as their eyes met for another millisecond and as if his heart was in a gymnastic mood it went throbbing and he just looked away concentrating in his driving.

Soon they reached her home and he could see how dramatic her mom got when she reached the house.
She thanked him and ran to the dramatic scene where her mom was shooting a million questions at her. He smiled at that and drove away.

"Mommy the phone is ringing save me the lecture for another day."she picked up the phone and it was Naila. The two started chirping like chatter boxes and Rima narrated the entire incident to her sissy." cute. He must be really nice you know"she started and Rima cut her short by giving the phone to her mom.

She retired to bed after the long day her mind thinking about her lost car.

Assalam Aleikum

So here is my new update I hope you are enjoying this.

And so far so good please inform me of your favourite name of this couple as mine is RIMAL
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