Chapter 14: twists and turns.

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The prophet peace be upon him said,

The strong man is not the one who can overpower others. Rather, the strong man is the one who controls his anger when he is angry.(imam Ahmad)

Chapter 14:
twists and turns.

Sometimes when you see the sun rising,you brace yourself hoping for a new start. A new lease of life. The way the sun kisses the skies makes you believe that a new opportunity awaits you. However,its life. Full of mistakes. The road that you tread on may be the right one but the reality is you'll never know which step you take will bring about what you have looking for. Keep on walking. Life has unexpected turns.

The same was happening to Rima. That evening she buried herself in her pillow cursing the day she was born. She cried and sobbed. It was not her fault but destiny had been fond of toying with her emotions time and again.

She opened her diary,looked at it and hot tears dropped from her eyes. She was ready to face it. It was the reality. A reality that left her bones shaken and her adrenaline levels drop and rise frantically. She braced herself knowing that one day her efforts of sacrifice would bear sweet fruits. Again. She believed in her never ending hopes.

"Open the door,please."Naila pleaded her voice shaken.

"Let me live this moment. I promise I will be okay." Rima uttered dryly.

"Please please please. We are in this mess together. I will pull you out if only you give me your hand." Naila said tears rolling down her cheeks.

The door was slightly opened,Rima looking at Naila with a loser's look. She was helpless. Naila hugged her tightly as if she was fixing the broken pieces of her heart. They sat on her bed looking outside at the sky.

It was him. Wasim. The same guy who Naila had spoken of to Rima. It was a small world. He was there but both did not know what was awaiting them in the coming future. He was shameless. A flirt who knew not how the taste of modesty was.

The news went more shocking when Hassan introduced his family to Assad's. Both were left dumb stricken. Eyes popped and mouth agape. It sealed the door of happiness in one's heart and burnt the other's world into ashes.

That evening caused thunder in Rima's distracted world. It was the end of her hunt of happiness. She was shocked at the extent of having no words for her condition.

Naila broke the silence and started talking to the moon.

"Look. Continue looking. Our destiny is screwed up. Just like the way you never meet the sun,my happiness will never know its destination. Continue looking. We are riding in the same boat."

Rima looked at her keenly and brushed it with a laughter. She knew the devil she was going to face after all it was her decision. A decision full of distraction.

"Enough OK. Its going to be alright. Don't blame the beautiful moon about the darkness in my life. Its totally decided that am responsible for all that will happen. Don't ruin your mood because of this crap that was destined for me. Besides Wasim might change his behaviour." She concluded with finality in her voice.

"Its all my fault. Why did I confess to you that I liked Sajid? Why? Why did you sacrifice your happiness for me?" Naila said her voice breaking every time she looked at her sister.

"I don't want Sajid to blame me tomorrow about your looks. Do you want to resemble a zombie on your big day?" Rima teased.

The hall was packed to capacity. Friends, family,so many faces,some full of puzzled looks and others full of happiness. The nikah was taking place in the mosque, away from the women.

Since Iqbal had Rima's number from the office work he called her and made it as a video call so that Naila could witness the nikah taking place.

"Do you accept marrying ms. Naila Hassan upon the set mahr?"

"Alhamdulillah, I'm more than willing to accept."

"Alhamdulillah,I accept."

" Alhamdulillah,I accept."

Those words made some magical effect on the tense atmosphere that was created by the new intruder in Rima's life. Naila was all red. She was blushing hot and a never ending smile playing on her lips. She was extremely happy. She hugged Rima and again the dramatic Rima started weeping for her sister.
It was a beautiful moment. Hearing that your to be spouse had his consent about you and it was a YES. It was magical moment filled with unknown emotions. The emptiness filled with joy which knew no bounds.

The groom's side was supposed to come to the bride's side to take the bride with them and finalise the rest of the remaining things like completion of mahr.

The groom,Sajid walked in in a white sherwani. He looked so handsome. Beside him was Iqbal dressed fully in an Arab attire. A sword in one hand. A turban on the head he looked dashing.

It felt like the moment was eternal and time had come to stop. Smiles and ululations from the women's side. The men looked very calm,With an exception of some hippy boys who were trying their tricks on girls who were more than willing to take the bait. One of them was Wasim. He kept on looking at Rima,winking at her and doing some crazy antics to grab her attention.

"Excuse me mister. Will you stop what you are doing. There's nothing like a bollywood movie here hiring you as the Romeo in the movie. Lower your gaze and keep yourself with the drinks." A stern voice said with a lot of seriousness to Wasim. It was Iqbal. He was irritated with the way he was glancing at Rima. He was very mad.

"She ain't your sister nor your wife. Keep your nose out of my business you piece of unwanted material." He replied with an eyeroll.

"I don't care about what you think but she is Muslim and its my duty to be her keeper if any flies hover around her,"he said raising his sleeves.

"Take it easy dude!" One of the men said interrupting the two men who were ready to fight and show their muscles unexpectedly in the auspicious event.

"Audhubillah min asheitan alrajeem"Iqbal murmured silently walking away from Wasim.

He hated him from scratch. If you know how love at first happens,in this case it would be hatred at first glance. He was a cheap human being. No respect for humanity and his head filled with the disease known as EGO.

Life was taking such a twist turning the lives of all people in an expected turn. A turn that was defined by surprises and shocks.

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