Chapter 17:His broken world.

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There is no blame upon you for that,to which you indirectly allude concerning a proposal for women or for what you conceal within yourselves. Allah knows that you will have them in mind. But do not promise them secretly except for saying a proper thing. And do not determine  to undertake a marriage contract until the decreed period reaches its end. And know that Allah knows what's within yourselves,so beware of Him. And know that Allah is Forgiving and Forebearing.(surah BAQARA~2:235)

Chapter 17:
His broken world.


Its always a matter of practising one's faith. Avoiding lies,speaking of the truth,lowering the gaze and praying all my prayers. I never expected any great twist in my life after what happened to my family. My father cheated on my mother when I was hardly ten,the two had an outrageous fight,my sister Aisha being the first born tried to stop them but I guess all was written in our fate. My dad left home and never came back. It was a hard task for my ammi to raise her three kids without the support of her husband. Her once upon a time husband. You must be wondering why I am saying all this but I made mistake thinking that once things are done,history doesn't happen twice. I was taken aback by what happened to my family a couple of decades ago. The same tragedy was faced by her. The one I prayed for. The one whose happiness was my everything. I never wanted to reveal what I had for her but my eyes spoke a thousand words whenever she was near me. I was smitten by her nature. She was one of the few hijabis in the university. Modesty was her cloak,truthfulness being her words, I admit to have fallen for her.

Rima,someone who never belonged to my world. Obstacles never missed their aim in my way and there again I was alone In my life. My sisters were the only hope that one day things would be better if not well. Aisha was married and alhamdulillah her husband gave me a job which I cherished since I was the only bread winner In my family. Sajid's father was always with us. He never missed to play with us,he was our guardian Angel. He was my mamaji.*

I believed that whatever happened,had a purpose in our lives. Whatever missed us,was for a good purpose. Whatever was destined for you would be yours even if it was between two mountains and whatever wasn't meant to belong to you would never be your even if it was between your lips. However when I thought of her,I knew that having her as my queen would be like having the moon in your hands. IMPOSSIBLE.

I always lived a life full of shattered hopes. Unfulfilled dreams and broken relations. Being the trying Muslim I was, I hated what people did especially these youngsters nowadays. They made haraam relationships in the name of keeping it halaal. I never wanted to indulge myself in a world of darkness even if that was the trend. Whatever wasn't right will never be even if the entire world starts doing it.

Life was creating unexpected turns whenever happiness struck my door. Sajid had married the girl of his dreams. Allow me to correct that...the girl of his present and future since according to him,dreams were left for the ones never got what they had.
It was miraculous. An Arab getting married to a desi guy. No way man!!! It all happened in a blink of an eye. Happiness being what he deserved,I kept on pondering how that happened. I never got a wind of it. But all is well that ends well.

Before I could say that enough was happening to our lives since ammi was hellbent on getting me married, this evil man walked into our lives. He was a storm that carried away all the happiness and planted doom in our world. My world. The world of prayers and dreams. He swept away my hopes and broke all what was left in my tattered heart.

He was a demon in disguise since all his actions were demonic. I curse the day he set his foot in our lives. It is him,Wasim.

He snatched the little seedling of hope planted in my heart. Every time I spotted him near her,my world would burn completely and I would be boiling in anger. She deserved happiness if not with me then with someone better. Someone who would understand her and protect her. A man who would never let her cry. Her happiness was precious. But fate decided something else for her.

The moment I heard of her engagement with him,my world burnt. It felt that the end of me was near. I cried in sujuud,wiped whenever I read verses from the Qur'an about marriage. To stay away from this mother of mine who was showing me pictures of hundreds of girls,my heart had only one picture etched in it-Rima!

I don't know why but I wanted to forget about her. She had started her life. The country reminded me of her. In the office,her friends seemed to haunt me. Whenever I heard Sajid and Naila I remembered how I pictured us together. I wanted to move on however some shackles held me back. I was not ready for any surprises but what destiny held for me was enough to rip me apart.

I decided. Time to move on. Perhaps I was wrong. Whenever I prayed for happiness I never missed her out. Praying for Jannah with her in it. I was tired of this all. I packed my bags,my box of memories ready to live s life away from all this chaos that never bothered to come with a notice in my life.

Away from this country,I set my goals. Tahfeedh. I wanted to spend sometime knowing my religion. Memorizing the Qur'an would be the best option. After all, Qur'an was soothing, relieving and it was the perfect medicine to me and my broken world.

The plane flew away from the people I loved to my homeland, Pakistan,somewhere I nursed my heart back to my grandparents who were the most loved ones in my heart.

Mamaji- maternal uncle

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